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(*.205.84.15) 조회 수 9796 댓글 4


하와이언 통기타(Hawaiian lap guitar)




The Asher Acoustic Hawaiian lap steel guitar pays tribute to the Herman Weissenborn lap steels from the late 1920's. In honor of these fine instruments, and to continue the tradition, I have made the finest reproduction possible with the same unique acoustic qualities and distinctive woody tones as its predecessor. From hand-picked koa to the vintage rope binding on our Style IV, the Asher equivalent boasts the same master craftsmanship and sound that will not only perform beyond expectations, but also last a lifetime.






style : acoustic lap steel
scale length : 25 inches
top : solid koa
back & sides : solid koa
bracing : spruce
wood options : a Style IV is available with flamed figured koa and vintage rope binding
fret board : figured koa
bridge : curly maple
saddle : aluminum
nut : ebony
finish : satin; (gloss lacquer available with up charge)
string spacing : nut : 1 7/8 inches, bridge: 2 3/8 inches
case : custom hard shell
number of frets : 20
machine head s : Gotoh - Waverly style
strings : Asher Acoustic Hawaiian Lap Steel Strings


price in US dollars:
$3975 - Style I
$5425 - Style IV
$2850 - Teardrop


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Comment '4'
  • 청중1 2010.07.28 08:28 (*.161.14.21)
    세상은 넓고 , 음악도 참으로 다양하네요....
  • 2010.07.28 10:39 (*.184.77.148)
    넥을 따로 붙이지 않고 몸체와 하나로 통짜로 만들었군요.
    진정한 의미의 통(!)기타인것 같습니다.
  • MoreKimchi 2010.07.29 09:27 (*.20.14.142)
    아버지께서 하와이언 기타를 좋아하셔서
    언제고 제대로 된거 하나 사 드릴까 생각은 하고 있었는데, 이거이거 생각보단 가격이 세네요..
  • ganesha 2010.07.29 10:38 (*.177.56.162)
    무릎에 올려놓고 해변가에서 연주하면 딱이겠네요.

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