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=== S ===

Harry Sacksioni, The Netherlands -
Bert Kwakkel, The Netherlands

Regino Sainz de la Maza, Spain -
Santos Hernandez, Spain
Hernandez y Aguado, Spain

Pablo Sainz Villegas, Spain -
Matthias Dammann, Germany

Akiko Saito, Japan -
Daniel Friederich, France (1967)
Dominique Field, France (Guitar Romantic CD)

George Sakellariou, Greece -
John Gilbert, USA
Michael Cone, USA, 1986
Otto Vowinkel, The Netherlands

Flavio Sala, Italy -
Camillo Perrella, Italy, 2006, fir/maple

Silvana Saldaña, Argentina -
Cf. Silvana Saldaña-Javier Bravo guitar duo (with Javier Bravo)
José Ramírez, Spain, 1976, cedar
Ricardo Louzao, Argentina, 2003, spruce
Ricardo Louzao, Argentina, 2003, cedar

Silvana Saldaña-Javier Bravo guitar duo, Argentina -
Cf. Silvana Saldaña & Javier Bravo

Michel Sandanowsky, France -
Daniel Friederich, France, No 402 and 550 (1982)

Helen Sanderson, UK -
Christopher Dean, UK

Marco De Santi, Italy -
Jose Romanillos, UK

Carlos Santiago Maldonado, Spain -
Franz Butscher, Spain

Jorge Santos, Argentina -

Turibio Santos, Brazil -
Daniel Friederich, France, No 328 (1972) and 378 (1974)
Robert Bouchet, France

Leopoldo Saracino, Italy -

Marco Sartor, Uruguay -

Tadashi Sasaki, Japan -
Karl-Heinz Römmich, Germany -
Kazuo Sato, Japan, spruce

Toyohiko Satoh, Japan -
Bert Kwakkel, The Netherlands

David Sautter, Switzerland -
Masaki Sakurai, Japan, 2004, cedar, brazilian
Benno Wittmer, Germany, Concert J model, Nr 205, 1998, spruce Indian
Cf. Eos Quartett

Hayley Savage, UK -
Bert Kwakkel, The Netherlands, Nr - 355, 2000, spruce/maple
Cf. Appassionata Guitar Trio (with Rebecca Baulch & Amanda Cook)

Jukka Savijoki, Finland -
Paul Fischer, UK

Richard Savino, USA -
René Lacôte-school, France, (or possibly genuine Lacôte) c. 1815
Stephan Connor, USA

Eladio Scharrón, Puerto Rico -
Dominique Field, France, 1995

Karin Schaupp, Australia -
Simon Marty, Australia

Karl Scheidt, Austria
Masaru Kohno, Japan

Stephan Schmidt, Germany -
- 6-strings:
Matthias Dammann, Germany (1988), used for Scarlatti Sonatas recording
Matthias Dammann, Germany (1999)
Dieter Müller , Germany (1999)
René Lacôte, France (1826)
- 10-strings:
* Dieter Müller, Germany (1999), used for J.S. Bach Luteworks recording
Matthias Dammann, Germany (1990), used for Scarlatti Sonatas recording
Paulino Bernabé (1981), used for Maurice Ohana's guitar work recording
Paulino Bernabé (1982)
- 13-string: Dieter Müller , Germany (2007)

Stefan Schmitz -
Bert Kwakkel, The Netherlands

John Schneider, USA -
Walter Vogt, Germany,movable frets

Christa Schumacher, Germany
Maple back guitar X ?

Agatino Scuderi, Italy -

Andres Segovia (1893-1987), Spain -
Benito Ferrer, Spain, Segovia's 1st guitar, student model
Manuel Ramirez, Spain, 1912, built by Santos Hernandez
Hermann Hauser, Germany, 1937
Diego Gracia, Argentina, 1940 (2), spruce/Brazilian
Hermann Hauser Jr., Germany, 1956
Ignacio Fleta, Spain, 1957
Jose Ramirez III, Spain, 1960, 1963, 1967 MT cedar
Richard Brune, USA, 1984, Artist model
Jose Ramirez IV, Spain, 1987

Matthias Seidel,, Germany -
Sebastian Stenzel, Germany

Segovia Guitar Quartet, The Netherlands -
Cf. Leon De Kroes, Wim Spruyt, Saskia Spinder, Joop Koek

Asya Selyutina, Russia -
Peter Barton, UK

Cf. Mark Simons, Patrick O'Connell, David Dueñas, & Patrick Francis

Maria Isabel Siewers, Argentina -
Greg Smallman, Australia
Francisco Estrada Gómez, Argentina

Seppo Siirala -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain

Jesús Silva (1914-1996), Mexico -

Michael Silvestri, USA (passed away Feb 2009) -
Lester DeVoe, USA (year/models unknown)
Kohno, Japan (year/models unknown)

Siqueira-Lima Duo (.)
Cecilia Siqueira, Uruguay
Fernando Lima, Brazil

David Small, USA -.
Cf. Montana Guitar Ensemble

James Smith, USA -.

Raphaella Smits, Belgium -
John Gilbert, USA, 8-string
Vincente Arias, Spain, late 19th century
Mirecourt, France, 7-string, c.1820
Francois Roudhloff, France, c. 1830
Kolya Panhuyzen, Germany

Eric Sobczyk, France -
Castro, Spain, 1890 (borrowed romantic guitar)
Antoine Pappalardo, France (romantic guitar replica)
Jean-Luc Joie, France; #100, 2000
Duo with David Garciarena

Marco Socias, Espagne -

Gaelle Solal (Chiche), France -
Daniel Friederich, France, 2001, cedar
Arnoldo García, Spain, romantic model

Goran Söllscher, Sweden -
Jose Ramirez III, Spain, cedar
Georg Bolin, Sweden, 11-string (alto: G3, D3, A2, F2, C2, G1, F1, Eflat, D1, C1, Bflat)
Yoshimitsu Hoshino, Japan, 1987
Masaki Sakurai, Japan, 1990s

SoloDuo, Italy
Cf. Matteo Mela & Lorenzo Micheli

Duo Sonare, Germany -
Cf. Jens Wagner & Thomas Offermann
Karl-Heinz Roemmich, Germany

Sorros Duo -
Cf. Phillip Thorne (Scotland) & Selina Copley (Madeley)
Michael Gee, UK

Spanish Art Guitar Quartet -
Cf. Klaus Jäckle, Heike Matthiesen, Brigitte Breitkreutz, Klaus Feldmann
(Previously: Rainer Feldmann, Klaus Feldmann, Arndt Werner Bethke, Klaus Jäckle)

Saskia Spinder, The Netherlands -
Cf. Segovia Guitar Quartet

Duo Spinosi, France -
Cf. Josiane & Philippe Spinosi

Josiane Spinosi, France -
Coffe-Goguette, France, 1830 (romantic guitar)
Cf. Duo Spinosi

Philippe Spinosi, France -
René Lacôte, France, 1824 (romantic guitar)
Cf. Duo Spinosi

Reto Spirig, Switzerlan -
Kolya Panhuyzen, Germany

Duo Spirituoso -
Cf. Andrew Zohn & Jeffrey McFadden

Wim Spruyt, The Netherlands -
Cf. Segovia Guitar Quartet
David Starobin, USA -
Thomas Humphrey, USA (no longer played since 1988)
* Gary Southwell, UK, Stauffer replica
Hermann Hauser, Germany, 1923
Rene Lacôte, France, 1844
Daniel Friederich, France, 1971

Srdjan and Darko Guitar Duo , Yugoslavia -
Cf. Srdan Bulatovic & Darko Nikcevic

Harald Stampa, Germany-
Kolya Panhuyzen, Germany

Esther Steenbergen, The Netherlands -
Otto Vowinkel, The Netherlands

Pavel Steidl, Czech Republic -
Franz Butscher, Spain
J.G. Ries Bernhard Kresse, Germany (Johann Anton Stauffer 'Luigi Legnani' corplica)
Paul Fischer, UK ('Napoleon Coste vol. 3' CD)
Karl-Heinz Römmich, Germany, spruce
Simon Rovis-Hermann, Autralia

Christopher Stell, UK -
Cf. Eden-Stell Guitar Duo
Christopher Dean, UK

Jouni Stenroos, Finland -
Liikanen Guitars, Finland, 10-string, 2006, spruce/Brazilian
Liikanen Guitars, Finland, 7-string, 2007, spruce/Brazilian
Paulino Bernabe, Spain, 1985, spruce/Brazilian
Southwell Guitars, 8-string, 1989, "La Cote"

Douglas Sternberg, USA -.
Cf. Montana Guitar Ensemble

Reiner Stutz, Germany -
Kazuo Sato, Japan, spruce

Meng Su, China
Cf. Beijing Guitar Duo
Masaki Sakurai, Japan, 2006, spruce (Maracaípe CD)
Kim Hee Hong, Korea, Spruce 2004
Kim Hee Hong, Korea, Cedar 2008
Mario Gropp, Germany, spruce "Spezial model" 2007
Matthias Damman, Germany

Ichiro Suzuki, Japan -
* Ignacio Fleta, Spain
Manuel Velazquez, USA

George Svoboda, Czech Republic -
Miguel Rodriguez, Spain
Archangel Fernandez, Spain
Jose Ramirez, Spain

Morgan Szymanski, Mexico -
Luciano Lovadina, Italy, Spruce
Dominique Delarue, France, 2007, cedar

=== T ===

Hartmut Taddigs, Germany -
Sebastian Stenzel, Germany

Take Four Guitar Quartet
Cf. Pia Grees, Matthias Kläger, Johan Fostier & Luc Vanderborght

Ernesto Tamayo, Cuba -
David Daily, USA, 1995
Thomas Humphrey, USA, Millennium model

Marco Diaz Tamayo, Cuba -
Paco Santiago Marin, Spain
Simon Marty, Australia, cedar

Giulio Tampalini, Italy -
* Philip Woodfield Moore, (UK) 2008, Nr. 246, Grand Concert Model model, lattice, spruce, Ebony Macassar, Irving Sloane
* Philip Woodfield Moore, (UK) 2010, Nr. 279, Grand Concert Model model, lattice, spruce, Ebony Macassar, Irving Sloane
Jim Redgate guitar (Australia) 2008, lattice, cedar (sold)
Gregory Byers guitar (U.S.A.) 2008, lattice, cedar (sold)
Luciano Lovadina, Italy (sold)
Emanuele Marconi, Italy (sold)

David Tanenbaum, USA -
John Gilbert, USA
Thomas Humphrey, USA, Millennium model
Daniel Friederich, France
Greg Smallman, Australia
Gregory Byers, USA
Gary Southwell, UK, (2)
Stephan Connor, USA
Randy Angella, USA

Andrés Tapia -
Philippe Jean-Mairet, Switzerland, 2001

Francisco Tarrega (1852-1909), Spain -
Antonio de Torres, Spain, 1858

Ernesto Tamayo, Cuba-

Tantalus Quartet, USA - .
Cf. Kristian Anderson, USA - Matthew Cochran, USA - Kevin Manderville, USA - Stephan Mattingly, USA

John Taylor -
Paul Fischer, UK

Marc Teicholz, USA -
John Gilbert, USA
Paulino Bernabé, Spain ('Napoleon Coste vol. 5)
Stephan Connor, USA

Scott Tennant, USA -
Daniel Friederich, France, 1990, cedar
* Daniel Friederich, France, 2005, spruce
Kenny Hill, USA, Signature model 2008 spruce
Matthias Dammann, Germany 2000 cedar
Simon Marty, Australia
Eric Sahlin, USA, 1993, spruce (GHA Records Rodrigo Volume 1)
David Daily 1994 cedar
Paul Jacobson, USA, 1989 cedar
Dake Traphagen, USA
Mike Peters, USA
Gregory Byers, USA, cedar

Bertrand Thomas,France
Jim Redgate, Australia, lattice

Phillip Thorne, UK -
Michael Gee, UK
Cf. Sorros Duo

Cacho Tirao, Argentina -
Francisco Estrada Gómez, Argentina

Tuomo Tirronen, Finland (Cf. Duo Arkipelag feat. Visa Turunen huilu)
Luciano Lovadina, Italy, 2003 spruce, maple (back & sides)
Bernhard Kresse, Germany, Lacote replica, spruce, maple (back & sides)

Melinda Toth, Hungary -
Karl-Heinz Rommich, Germany, cedar
Noël Callaert, Belgium, 2007

Otto Tolonen, Finland -
Brian Cohen, UK, 1996
Camillo Perrella, Italy, 2002
Keijo Korelin, Finland

José Tomás (1934-2001), Spain -
Jose Ramirez III, Spain, 8-string

Luciano Tortorelli, Italy -
* Josè Ramirez III , Spain, model Elite, 1988 (limited production), jacaranda/cedar
Jan Schneider, Czech Republic, concert model, 2004, cedar/madagascar

Ralph Towner, USA -
Jeffrey R. Elliott, USA
Jim Redgate, Australia, double top

Duo Transatlantique -
Cf. Maud Laforest and Ben Beirs

Robert Trent, USA -
Cf. Duo Firenze (fortepiano duo with Pamela Swenson Trent)

Michael Tröster, Germany -
Dieter Hopf, Germany

Aleksandr Tsiboulski -

Sante Tursi, Italy -

Two Guitars Duo -
Douglas Ching, USA (2), 1986, spruce/Brazilian
Cf. Yasmin Berkson & Lou Mowad

=== V ===

Pirai Vaca, Bolivia -
Alkis Epthimiadis, Greece

Sébastien Vachez, France -
Olivier Fanton d'Andon, France

Colt Valenti-
Kenny Hill, USA, Signature model

Luc Vanderborght, Belgium -
Cf. Take Four Guitar Quartet

Jeffrey Van, USA -.

Tomislav Vasilj, Croatia -
Cf. Zagreb Guitar Quartet, Croatia
Simon Marty, Australia

Christian Vasseur, France -
Daniel Oger, France, 2005, spruce/indian
Vicente Sanchis, Spain, flamenca
Dominique Field, 1988, 10-string, spruce/indian
Philip Woodfield Moore, UK, 1996, 11-string, spruce/indian, G alto

George Vassilev, Bulgary -
Walter J. Vogt, Germany, No 62, 1969, spruce/indian
Walter J. Vogt, Germany, No 282, 1978, cedar/indian
Walter J. Vogt, Germany, No 413, 1985, spruce/indian
Maurice Ottiger, Switzerland, No 293, 2003, spruce/maple
Pablo Manuel Contreras, Spain, No 133, 2006, 10 Aniversario Model, spruce/Brazilian

María Vazquez, Argentina -
Francisco Estrada Gómez, Argentina 1998

Francis Verba, France -
Jean-Luc Joie, France

Frane Verbanac, Croatia -
Cf. Zagreb Guitar Quartet, Croatia
Simon Marty, Australia

Benjamin Verdery, USA -
* Greg Smallman, Australia
Douglas Ching, USA
John Gilbert, USA
Thomas Humphrey, USA
Chris Carrington, USA

Aliéksey Vianna, Brazil -
David Daily, USA
Steve Ganz, USA, 8-string, 1999

Jason Vieaux, USA -

Roman Viazoskiy, Ukraine -
Karl-Heinz Römmich, Germany, Model "Exquisit", 2007, spruce, Rio
Yuichi Imai, Japan, 2003, Limited model, spruce, Rio
Masaki Sakurai, Japan, Maestro, 1999, spruce, Rio

Vida Guitar Quartet, USA -
Cf. Mark Ashford, Helen Sanderson, Mark Eden and Christopher Stell
Christopher Dean, UK

Ana Vidovic, Croatia -
Zeljko Sever, Croatia
Robert Ruck, USA
Gilles Mercier, France cedar
Jim Redgate, Australia (c/o GSI), lattice

Jason Vieaux, USA -
*Paul Fischer, UK, double top
Gernot Wagner, Germany, "Taut" model (kind of lattice bracing)
German Vazquez Rubio, USA, 1995
Dake Traphagen, USA

Philippe Villa, France -
Coffe-Goguette, France, 1835
José Ramirez, Spain 1899

Victor Villadangos, Argentina -
Maria & Osvaldo Bragan, Argentina, 'Enrique Garcia 1906' model ('Music from Argentina' and 'Tangos from Argentina' CDs)
Mateo Crespi, Argentina (used on 'Music from Argentina 2' CD)

Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959), Brazil -
Josef Bellido, France

Thomas Viloteau, France -
Greg Smallman, Australia

Marcos Vinicius, Brazil -
Francesco Cotta, Italy, 1999, Indian

Erik Visser, The Netherlands -
Bert Kwakkel, The Netherlands, 1983
Bert Kwakkel, The Netherlands, 1984, 12-string resonance guitar
Theo Scharpach, The Netherlands, 1992, 8-string guitar

Enno Voorhosrt, The Netherlands -
Federico Sheappard, USA, Simplicio, 1927 copy, same guitar Barrios played.
José Ramirez, Spain, 1963
Theo Scharpach, The Netherlands

Alexander Vynograd, Ukraine -.
Felix Akopov, Russia, 8-string guitar

=== W ===

Frank Wallace, USA -
Stephan Connor, USA

Jason Waldron, Australia -
Paul Fischer, UK

Jens Wagner, Germany -
Cf. Duo Sonare
Karl-Heinz Roemmich, Germany, 2006, spruce/Indian
Karl-Heinz Roemmich, Germany, 2008, spruce/Brazilian
e - b a : Guitar Johann Georg stauffer, Germany, , ca. 1840, romantic guitar, Legnani model, spruce/maple
Richard Jacob Weißgerber, Germany, (2 guitars), 1920, Vienna type, spruce/Brazilian/Maple
Bernhard Kresse, Germany, 2006, romantic guitar, stauffer Legnani model replica, spruce/maple

Wang Yameng, China - (Cf. Beijing Guitar Duo)
Matthias Damman, Germany
Mario Gropp, Germany, "Spezial" Model, 2006,cedar (Maracaípe CD)

Dick Weissman, USA -
Jeffrey R. Elliott, USA

Sharon Wayne, USA -
Paulino Bernabé, Spain, 1995, Modelo India, spruce

Wolfgang Weigel, Germany -
Kazuo Satoh, Japan

Nirit Wexler, Israël -
Franz Butscher, Spain

The Welsh-Argentine Guitar Duo
Cf. Luis Orias Diz, Argentina & Adam Khan, UK

Mark Wesling, USA -
* Thomas Humphrey USA 2005 Millenium, German Spruce
Antonio Raya Pardo Spain, 1998, no. 678 Spruce

Erik Westerhof, The Netherlands -
Bert Kwakkel, The Netherlands
Cf. Groningen Guitar Duo

Robert Wetzel, The Netherlands -
Cf. Odeum Guitar Duo
Miguel Rodriguez, Spain, 1976
Simon Marty, Australia

Corey Whitehead, USA -
Gerhard J. Oldiges, Germany

Augustin Wiedemann, Germany -
Gregg Smallman, Australia, 2008, cedar/rio
Sebastian Stenzel, Germany
Matthias Dammann, Germany

Ronny Wiesauer, Austria -
Boguslaw Teryks, Germany, Grand concert, 2004, cedar top

John Williams, Australia -
Edgar Monch, Germany/Canada
Robert Bouchet, France
Hernandez & Aguado, Spain, sold in late 1960s
Martin Fleeson, UK
Ignacio Fleta, Spain, 1961, sold in 1980
Ignacio Fleta, Spain, 1972
* Greg Smallman, Australia, 1982, 1988
Greg Smallman, Australia, 1995, 1992, on "Places Between" (with John Etheridge)
Greg Smallman and Sons, Australia, 2000, on "From a Bird" and "El Diablo suelto"

Peter Wiltschinsky, UK -
David Rubio, UK
Manuel Contreras, Spain
Greg Smallman, Australia
Paul Fischer, UK
Cf. Hill - Wiltschinsky Duo

Michael Winkler, Germany -
Thomas Eichert, Germany, 2007, model C27, Nr 2007/2, spruce, brazilian
Cf. Eos Quartett

Scott Wolf, USA -
Pepe Romero, Jr. 2002, Cedar/Indian "La Paquera" (classical), Spain
Glenn Canin, 2008 blanca (flamenco), USA

Richard Wright, USA -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain
Jose Romanillos, UK

Gerd Wuestemann, Germany -
Gregory Byers, USA
Robert Ruck, USA

Friedemann Wuttke, Germany -
Kevin Aram, UK

Simon Wynberg -

=== X ===

Yang Xuefei, China -
* Greg Smallman, Australia cedar
Masaru Kohno, Japan
Jose Romanillos, UK, recording use
Antonio Raya Pardo, Spain
Juan Hernandez, Spain, Especial Model
Ignacio Fleta, Spain
Michael Gee, UK
Karl-Heinz Roemmich, Germany
Antonio Marin Montero, Spain

=== Y ===

Kazuhito Yamashita, Japan -
* Jose Ramirez III, Spain
Christopher Savino, USA

Stanley Yates -
Augustino LoPrinzi, USA, Nova Futura model
Kenny Hill, USA, Munich model
Simon Marty, Australia

William Yelverton, USA -
Robert Ruck, USA, 1990, cedar

Narcisco Yepes (1927-1997), Spain -
-10-strings :
* Paulino Bernabé, Spain
Thomas Humphrey, USA, Millennium mode
Manuel Contreras I
Jose Ramirez III, Spain
- 6-strings :
Marcero Barbero I, Spain
Ignacio Fleta, Spain

Laura Young, Canada -
Kolya Panhuyzen, Germany
Cf. Trio de Cologne

Andrew York, USA (LAGQ 1990-2005) -
* David Daily, USA
Matthias Dammann, Germany
Eric Sahlin, USA, cedar (previous)

=== Z ===

Brigitte Zaczek -
Ries, 1840, Viennese instrument, 8-string
Rudhloff, France, 1830
Le Jeune, France, 1840
René Lacôte, France, 1855 "Heptacorde" Coste-school
stauffer, Austria, 'Luigi Legnani model', adjustable neck, 8 -strings, restored by Kresse

Zagreb Guitar Quartet, Croatia -
(Tomislav Vasilj, Krunoslav Pehar, Melita Ivković & Frane Verbanac)
Simon Marty, Australia

Jorge Luis Zamora, Cuba
Antonio Marin Montero, Spain

Fábio Zanon, Brazil -
Sergio Abreu, Brazil, 1986
Daryl Perry, Canada, 2000
Roberto Gomes, Brazil, 2002, "Spiritus" model
Samuel Carvalho, Brazil

Luis Zea, Venezuela -
Daniel Friederich, France, No 522, 1980

Arturo Zeballos, Argentina -
Francisco Estrada Gòmez, Argentina 1998

Milan Zelenka, Czech Republic -
Masaru Kohno, Japan

Yoram Zerbib, Israel -
* Daniel Friederich, France, 2002, no.781, cedar
Dominique Field, France, 1996, no.113, spruce
Masaru Kohno, Japan, 1979, model 50, spruce
Ignacio Fleta & Hijos, Spain, 1968, no.469, cedar, (stolen in 2007)

Frédéric Zigante, France -
Julian Gomez Ramirez, Spain
Ignacio Fleta, Spain
Masaru Kohno, Japan, 1987 (used for 'Napoleon Coste vol. 2' CD)

Andrew Zohn, USA -
Cf. Duo Spirituoso
Jean Rompré, Canada

Jozef Zsapka, Slovenia
Alkis Efthimiadis, Greece

Max Zuckerman, USA -
Robert S. Ruck, USA, scale 662, 2002 #800, cedar/Brazilian

* 수님에 의해서 게시물 복사되었습니다 (2011-10-28 06:01)
Comment '6'
  • 최동수 2011.10.25 22:05 (*.255.173.43)
    덕분에 좋은 자료를 Update하게 되었습니다.

  • 리브라 2011.10.26 12:26 (*.131.167.73)
    한 사람이 여러 대를 가지고 있는 경우가 많으며 메인으로 사용하는 악기 여부와는 관계없이 많이 표기된 악기는 다음과 같습니다

    J. Ramirez 39
    I. Fleta 37
    D. Friederich 34
    T. Humphrey 28
    G. Smallman 27
    P. Fischer 27
    H. Hauser 26
    S. Marty 23
    M. Kohno 23
    D. Rubio 20
    M. Contreras 20
    R. Ruck 19
    M. Dammann 18
    J.L. Romaniilos 16
    P. Bernabe 16
    K. Sato 16
    D. Field 15
    R. Bouchet 13
    M. Rodriguez 12
    J. Elliott 12
  • 2011.10.26 13:50 (*.184.77.171)
    한국기타가 한대도 없다는게 아쉽네요.
    중국연주자들은 가끔 한국기타 협찬받아 좀 치는척 하더니..결국...
  • ... 2011.10.27 04:39 (*.83.39.160)
    Meng Su, China
    Cf. Beijing Guitar Duo
    Masaki Sakurai, Japan, 2006, spruce (Maracaípe CD)
    Kim Hee Hong, Korea, Spruce 2004
    Kim Hee Hong, Korea, Cedar 2008
    Mario Gropp, Germany, spruce "Spezial model" 2007
    Matthias Damman, Germany
  • 리브라 2011.10.27 11:34 (*.131.167.73)
    네 수멍의 사용 악기로 김희홍선생님 기타가 있습니다.^^

    우리나라 연주가로는 전 페이지에 박규희 기타리스트가 나와있네요...프리드리히 사용
  • morekimchi 2011.10.27 19:56 (*.135.217.244)
    탑 20 인기 기타라고 보면 되겠네요..
    제 예상밖으로 피셔, 사토, 필드 등도 많이 소장되어 있네여..

    글구 억대의 부쉐도 13대.. !!

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    Date2012.02.14 By비우자 Views20371
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  16. 간단한 댐핏 만들기

    Date2012.01.04 By리브라 Views27473
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  17. 자연스런 습도유지.

    Date2012.01.21 By Views24329
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  18. 이병우씨 듀얼기타!!ㅋㅋ

    Date2012.02.07 By은찬아빠 Views24556
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  19. Scott Tennant가 연주하는 Daniel Friederich 기타

    Date2011.12.06 Byscdj Views20234
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  20. 탄소 섬유로 만든 기타

    Date2011.12.02 Bycf Views25512
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  21. FTA와 guitar

    Date2011.11.29 By== Views21776
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  22. Andres Marin 모델 기타

    Date2011.11.13 By최동수 Views20903
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  23. 넥, 지판가공.. 제작자님들 조언 구합니다...

    Date2011.11.04 By김성일 Views20949
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  24. 드디어 기타를 바꾸었읍니다 (베르나베 기타...)

    Date2011.10.31 By김브림 Views24740
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  25. 댓글 퍼왔어요

    Date2011.09.18 By언니 Views23339
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  26. Professional guitarists: their guitars - 2

    Date2011.10.25 By리브라 Views23432
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  27. Professional guitarists: their guitars - 1

    Date2011.10.25 By리브라 Views29843
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  28. 바리오스 망고레의 기타

    Date2011.10.24 By Views22653
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  29. Agustin Barrios' original guitar (1914)

    Date2011.10.25 By고정석 Views21275
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  30. 기타 제작..

    Date2011.10.24 By가람 Views22048
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  31. GFA 2011 Luthier's Showcase

    Date2011.07.17 Byjfs Views21424
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  32. 시거 박스 기타(Cigar Box Guitars)

    Date2011.07.13 By고정석 Views24918
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  33. 헐거워진 프렛

    Date2011.06.18 By리브라 Views20972
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  34. 그것을알고싶다! 하카란다(최종판)

    Date2011.05.23 By조국건 Views30698
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  35. 클래식기타 에 사용할 온습도계 추천좀 부탁드립니다~

    Date2011.05.19 By케이스삽니다 Views21755
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  36. 하카란다 꽃

    Date2011.05.15 By조국건 Views25376
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  37. [re] 하카란다 꽃의 근접사진 디테일

    Date2011.05.18 By조국건 Views19498
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  38. [re] 하카란다 꽃

    Date2011.05.17 By파라디소 Views15375
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  39. 2홀 슈퍼칩

    Date2011.05.12 By리브라 Views21092
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  40. tornavoz 이용으로 음색의 변화동영상

    Date2011.04.28 By쥐언니 Views18758
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  41. 황칠 도료 제품 등장

    Date2011.04.03 By보리 Views22398
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  42. Anders Miolin이 연주하는 The 13-string Chiavi-Miolin Guitar

    Date2011.02.18 By고정석 Views26265
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  43. Fan Frets Guitar

    Date2011.02.17 By고정석 Views22748
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  44. 도미니크 필드 인터뷰

    Date2011.02.06 Byidf Views23453
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  45. 기타 제작용 목재와 대체목에 대해 잘 설명해 놓은 글이 있어서 링크해봅니다.

    Date2011.01.31 Byhesed Views23529
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  46. 포크기타 반음계

    Date2011.01.22 By바람들이 Views17310
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  47. 명기파는곳

    Date2010.12.14 By쥐며느리 Views23007
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  48. 스몰맨기타 모델

    Date2010.12.14 By스몰 Views23217
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  49. Wood & Pearl Guitar Rosette

    Date2010.12.10 By고정석 Views20620
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  50. 메이플로즈 기타 만들기-1

    Date2010.12.02 By최동수 Views43256
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  51. 국내외 기타 레이블 모음

    Date2010.09.29 By오덕구 Views23749
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  52. 높은 프렛(지판에 박힌 쇠)을 구할 수 있나요?

    Date2010.09.22 Byhighdama Views25365
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  53. 일본에 유명한 명기 클래식 기타 악기샾좀 알려주세요

    Date2010.08.02 By궁금이 Views21354
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  54. Arm rest 구입처 문의 또는 대용품 문의

    Date2010.04.06 ByRealforce Views20208
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  55. [re] Arm rest 구입처 문의 또는 대용품 문의

    Date2010.04.23 ByRealforce Views19803
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  56. 12홀 브릿지는 장력이 센가요?

    Date2010.05.18 By브릿지 Views23283
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  57. 고수님들....새들 가공에 대해서 질문요...

    Date2010.05.17 By몰디브 Views24227
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  58. 목공기계(테이블 쏘우, 기계톱)의 위험성.

    Date2010.03.28 By콩쥐 Views29158
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  59. Fret Dressing and Set-Up for Classical guitar

    Date2010.03.27 By고정석 Views16449
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  60. 기타 목재 문의...?

    Date2010.03.25 By왔다구나 Views20682
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  61. [re] 현장 조정가능한 기타를 만들수 없나요

    Date2010.03.27 By파크닝팬 Views19547
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  62. [re] 현장 조정가능한 기타를 만들수 없나요

    Date2010.03.24 By쏠레아 Views21828
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  63. 쏠레아님께 질문!

    Date2010.03.19 By도치 Views17494
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  64. 하현주(saddle) 미세조정

    Date2010.03.15 By쏠레아 Views31631
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  65. 싸즈(saz) 의sound hole(울림구멍)

    Date2010.03.11 Bychokukkon Views19828
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  66. Sound hole = 소리 구멍???

    Date2010.03.10 By쏠레아 Views19810
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  67. 기타의 액션

    Date2010.03.08 By쏠레아 Views21851
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  68. 왜?

    Date2010.03.07 By쏠레아 Views28599
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  69. 존길버트와 알마기타

    Date2010.03.01 By재미난기타 Views25642
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  70. 기타의 음량

    Date2010.02.28 By쏠레아 Views27465
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  71. 야마하 Grand Concert 41 모델 아시는 분 계세요?

    Date2010.02.25 Byㅁㅁ Views22275
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  72. 기타제작가 콩쥐님 보세요.

    Date2010.02.25 By쏠레아 Views32060
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  73. [re] 기타제작가 콩쥐님 보세요.

    Date2010.02.28 By저기 Views21879
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  74. 나일론현/스틸현

    Date2010.02.22 By쏠레아 Views24690
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  75. 하이텐션 줄/로우텐션 줄

    Date2010.02.20 By쏠레아 Views27411
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  76. 수리, 중고, 세팅...

    Date2010.02.19 By콩쥐 Views18363
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  77. 헤드각과 현의 장력...실험

    Date2010.02.20 By삭제... Views23117
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  78. [re] 헤드각과 현의 장력...실험

    Date2010.02.22 By쏠레아 Views24787
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  79. 경험으로 깨달은 장력의세기

    Date2010.02.19 By블루고추 Views23414
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  80. 기타리스트들이 애용한 기타들

    Date2010.02.02 By고정석 Views19437
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  81. 기타재료

    Date2010.01.31 By콩쥐 Views17339
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  82. 가격과 소리

    Date2010.01.03 By100호유저 Views32244
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  83. 그렉 스몰맨 Greg Smallman 에게 질문 있으신 분

    Date2009.12.13 By홍콩매니아 Views16973
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  84. 죤 윌리엄즈의 스몰맨공방 방문

    Date2009.12.13 By파크닝팬 Views19814
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  85. 미분음 기타를 구할수 있을까요?

    Date2009.12.09 By현대음악 Views16033
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  86. 흑단(에보니).....최동수

    Date2009.12.08 By콩쥐 Views21404
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  87. 명기의 비교 감상 - 라그리마

    Date2009.12.06 By파크닝팬 Views20179
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  88. 스몰맨과 죤 윌리엄스~

    Date2009.11.28 ByJS Views20309
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  89. [re] 스몰맨 격자 살모양

    Date2009.11.29 By파크닝팬 Views17479
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  90. [re] 스몰맨과 죤 윌리엄스~

    Date2009.11.29 ByAcunetix Views1
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  91. 목공기계를 쓸때는 항상 안전하게...(퍼온글)

    Date2009.11.28 By콩쥐 Views20942
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  92. 일렉트릭 클래식 기타를 구입하려고 합니다^^

    Date2009.11.15 By기타매니아 Views15619
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  93. 13현 기타

    Date2009.11.13 By13s Views15426
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  94. 최동수 선생님께 질문을 올립니다....

    Date2009.10.30 BySTELLO Views16085
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  95. 12현기타 자세히보기

    Date2009.09.30 By콩쥐 Views21314
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  96. 고려악기에서 만든 기타라는데..

    Date2009.10.12 ByThink Views21687
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    Date2009.10.11 Byjrg Views19722
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  98. [re] JOSE ROMANILLOS 관련 영상 5, 6편

    Date2009.10.25 Byjrg Views14554
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  99. 손크기에 맞는 기타 추천부탁드려요,

    Date2009.10.01 By학생 Views18084
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  100. Somervell Guitars ?

    Date2009.09.29 ByCollings Views14565
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