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담배 상자로 만든 기타..

시거 박스 기타(Cigar Box Guitars)




시거(Cigar)라는 담배 상자로 만든 악기들이 있습니다.

이런게 있다는 사실도 모른채 고교시절에 합판으로 상자를 만들어 기타를 만든적이 있습니다.

아마도 흑인들에 의해서 만들어지고 빈민들 사이에서 점차 악기로 정착이 되어진 것으로 보입니다.



시거(Cigar)를 즐기지는 않지만 쿠바산이 최고라고 알고 있습니다.

힘이 세고 무식한 남자, 돈 많은 남자의 상징인 시거는 남미 여인들의 허벅지에 비벼서 만든다고 합니다.




시거의 종류가 많듯 박스도 여러가지가 있습니다. 아버지의 일기장이 저런 상자에 들어 있었듯...

아마 그냥 버리기는 아까웠을 것입니다. 비싼 시거가 습기에 변질 될수 있으니 상자도 잘 만듭니다.



박물관에 보관될 정도로 시거기타의 역사도 깊습니다. 열쇠로 받힌 하현주가 인상적입니다.



요즘은 이런 시거박스 기타에 일렉트로닉 장치도 답니다.



만드는 방법도 간단합니다. 준비물은 사진속에 있는 것이 전부 입니다.





유명한 기타 연주자도 시거박스 기타를 즐깁니다.







Cigar Box Slide Guitar {punch} 4 string POBRO


Cigar Box Nation is a site dedicated to cigar box guitars.  Maybe a more fitting picture would be of a cigar box guitar But i find that amp beautiful.  He is an idea of a cigar box guitar featured on the site: There is something pure about cigar box guitars no matter if they conjures thoughts of homemade delta blues or a rain day childhood musical project.


미국의 이베이에 올라온 것들이 꽤나 있습니다. 이렇게 자작으로 만들어 팝니다.

가격은 100$ 정도...





보통 현이 4개가 많습니다. 간혹 2개, 3개도 있습니다.



어느 미국인이 소장하고 있는 시거박스 기타들입니다.














아예 상품으로서의 악기로 자리를 잡아 대량 생산되는 기타들도 있습니다.





만들어 보고 싶은 충동이 이는 악기입니다. 볼트와 넛트로 된 하현주가 참 소박합니다.



이렇게 깡통으로 만든 것 들도 있습니다.




요즘 길을 지나다니며 혹시 누군가가 버린 기타가 없을까하고 두리번 거리고 있습니다.

얼른 줏어다 만들어 보려 합니다. (아차! 이글을 보시면 그것도 남아나질 않겠다. ^^;;)



생각보다 소리가 특이하고 좋습니다.




시거박스 기타로 연주에 몰입하는 뮤지션들...한번 소리를 들어 보세요~




Paul Pigat aka "Cousin Harley" and his Daddy Mojo guitar live in Montreal!


Originally from Toronto, Ontario, Paul Pigat relocated to the West Coast in the early 90’s and has earned a reputation as one of the best guitarists around. Although extremely versatile, from Delta Blues to classical music, Paul’s “Cousin Harley” style is deeply rooted in the playing of Les Paul, Charlie Christian and Link Wray with a modern hotrod twist. He has shared the stage with greats such as Taj Mahal, Michael Kaeshammer, Mae Moore, Lee Aaron and the Blind Boys of Alabama as well as recorded with the likes of Mint Records artists Carolyn Mark and Neko Case to name a few. Inexhaustible energy is what Pigat is known for. He’s the high octane that fuels this trio!



The Story of the Cigar Box GuitarHistorically, the origins of most cigar box guitars performers are found in poverty... CBGs were made and played by Depression-era jug band members who specialized in making instruments out of anything. Follow in the footsteps of Blind Willie Johnson, Lightnin’ Hopkins, Hound Dog Taylor, Big Bill Broonzy and many other old-time blues legends -- it has been documented that all of these legendary old-time folks rocked on a cigar bo guitar at one time in their career! Skeptics be warned: a Daddy Mojo Cigar Box Guitar is all you need for super fat authentic slide work. Tune it how you want -- we ship most of ours tuned in open G, but you can try E5 or open D for a great Delta Blues vibe or perhaps G6 or C6 for a more laid back Hawaiian feel. There are just loads of variations! Experiment! On a cigar box guitar your technique gets stripped down to a bare-bones simple approach for both chord and melody work, reminding us of the fat sounds of the olden days. We've all heard stories about famous bluesmen or country singers that started their careers on a simple homemade cigar box guitar. With a list of artists including Jimi Hendrix, Roy Clark and Carl Perkins, the cigar bo guitar has been the precursor to many great careers and countless inspiring stories. It is a wonder that nobody has documented its magnificent history until now. Cigars were extremely popular in the nineteenth century; many empty cigar bo would be left around households. The 1800s were also a simpler time for Americans, when necessity was truly the mother of invention. Using a cigar box to create a guitar, fiddle, or banjo was an obvious choice for crafty souls. The earliest proof of a cigar box instrument is an etching of two Civil War soldiers at a campsite -- one is playing a cigar box fiddle. The artist, Edwin Forbes, was from France and worked as an official artist for the Union Army. The cigar bo fiddle appears to sport an advanced viola-length neck attached to a "Figaro" cigar box. The etching is dated 1876. In addition to the Civil War etching, plans for a cigar box banjo were published in the 1870s by Boy Scouts founder Daniel Carter Beard in St. Nicholas Magazine. The plans, entitled "How to Build an Uncle Enos Banjo" showed a step-by-step description for a playable 5-string fretless banjo made from a cigar box. The plans were eventually published in Beard's immensely popular American Boy's Handy Book. By the 20th century, times were still lean for many Americans and cigars gained even more popularity. The "television of the day" for some families was the trusty Sears and Roebuck Catalog that encouraged people to dream of items they would love to own. It also provided a catalyst for more homemade creations. The cigar box guitar has such an awesome pedigree. Blind Willie Johnson made a one-string when he was five – he quickly learned to play melodies up-and-down that lonely string. Later, Blind Willie would record the monumental “Dark Was The Night (Cold Was The Ground)” on a standard guitar. The song is a instrumental classic that has droning chords lying in the background while a haunting melody is played up-and-down the high-E string -- a technique he learned on his original one-string cigar box guitar! 아래 댓글에 링크된 사이트에서 퍼왔어요.
Comment '7'
  • ganesha 2011.07.13 12:26 (*.177.56.162)
    재밌게 봤습니다.
    보고 있자니 주변에 남아도는 박스가 없나 두리번거리게 되네요. : >
  • ㅋㅋ 2011.07.13 12:33 (*.161.14.75)

    저도 주변에 박스 찾고있었는데...ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
  • ㅋㅋ 2011.07.13 12:36 (*.161.14.75)
    시거박스는 원목으로 제작되나요?
    그럼 시거 한상자 쿠바에다가 주문넣어야할거 같은데요...

    쿠바는 농약을 안하는 매우 드문나라로
    유기농담배를 필수있는 좋은 기회.
  • 최동수 2011.07.15 23:09 (*.255.173.87)
    허어... 취미가 아니라 상품까지 나오는군요.

    하기사 연주만 잘 한다면 어떤 모양인들 상관있겠어요?

    얼마 전에 이성관님도 깡통기타를 한대 만드셨는데....
  • 최동수 2011.07.16 13:04 (*.255.173.87)
    ㅋ ㅋ 님도...

    디자인이 아름다운 고급 시가박스는 특제 시가용인데
    한박스가 웬만한 기타보다 고가라는건 알고 주문하려는지요?
  • ㅋㅋ 2011.07.16 14:45 (*.161.14.75)
    시거가 그렇게 비쌌군요....몰랐어요.
  • 냐냐냥 2011.07.17 08:01 (*.190.18.95)
    어머~!! 저건 사야돼. ㅋㅋ
    지갑을 열게 만드는 기타군요. ㅋㅋ
    어째 돈모이면 저거 사버릴거 같군요;;

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  94. 안녕하세요 ^^ 제 기타입니다

    Date2001.03.29 By나이스드림 Views10319
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  95. 안녕하세요 기타 장력 관해 질문드립니다.

    Date2024.04.09 By아이어유 Views5253
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  96. 안녕하세요 홈에는 첨이네요... 자료실만 왔었는데... 저기 질문염..

    Date2001.09.02 By Views8081
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  97. 안드레스 카룬초

    Date2006.02.03 By용접맨 Views11463
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  98. 안토니오 로까로 친 음악좀 올려주세요

    Date2005.10.21 By기타매냐 Views9358
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  99. 안토니오 마린 몬테로에 관한 나의 견해

    Date2001.04.05 By길벗맨 Views11946
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  100. 알고 싶어요

    Date2000.11.18 By평민 Views8711
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