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Plenosom Armrest

1. 오른팔의 연주편의성을 위한 제품
2. 땀등에 의한 악기손상을 방지 (특히 Shellac Finish)
3. 기타 앞판 울림의 구속 방지
4. 재질 ; Brazilian ivory wood (white wood)
5. 가격 ; 50,000원(운송비 포함)

Plenosom Pads

1. 기타의 미끄러짐을 방지
2. 양쪽 다리에 한개씩 놓고 기타를 위치시키면 팔의 고정이 없어도 미끄러지지 않음
3. 규격 ; 40 * 15 * 0.3 Cm
4. 재질 ; New material (expanded PVC)
5. 가격 ; 13,000원(운송비 포함)

자세한 사항은 참조 바랍니다


Plenosom Armrest
by Tessarin & Bellinati  

Allows total vibration of the guitar top.
No guitar/arm contact enhances projection, clarity, and sustains.
Increases comfort for the right forearm.
Increases right hand technique and accuracy.
Protects French Polishes of the top against heat and sweat of the right arm.
Fixes to the side of the guitar with specially selected suction cups allowing for easy installation and removal. Completely stable and silent.
Allows for concert and studio use.
Made with the best Brazilian ivory wood (white wood).

"When I tried out the Plenosom for the first time I noticed a big difference in having my right forearm resting over a round and comfortable edge rather than the 90 degree sharp angle formed by the guitar top and side. After 30 minutes I simply forgot I had the Plenosom installed and upon looking at the right forearm, I noticed it was free of the customary deep red marks that come from resting the arm on a sharp angle. The big surprise, however, comes when I removed the Plenosom and went back to my old form of playing. It was a very uncomfortable feeling, the guitar sounds dampened, the right hand fingers seemed to tighten and the deep marks on the forearm returned. I want my Plenosom back right now! I now use Plenosom on my richer sounding instruments. The comfort it allows my right arm is reflected in my fingers, which are now free to move faster than ever. My right hand technique is now of pure joy: more power, accuracy, and, above all, velocity".
Paulo Bellinati

Suggested retail price: U$ 40

 Plenosom Pads
by Tessarin & Bellinati  

"For many years I have been experimenting with all kinds of foam, leathers, cloths, flannels, pillows, always returning to my old pieces of lime green foam. It seemed impossible to find another material in black that could substitute the unattractive foam more efficiently.
The answer took a while but it is with great pleasure that I make available to everyone the Plenosom Pads.
The constant use of the Plenosom Pads improves left-hand mechanics, being that the stability of the guitar is essential in the jumps and rapid passages and other crucial elements of the instrumental technique.
Now I can perform with comfort and elegance, with a surety that the guitar will not slip or move while playing.
The Plenosom Pads brings the definite solution for holding and accommodating the instrument during performances."

Paulo Bellinati

Suggested retail price: U$ 10
Comment '2'
  • 꾸숑 2003.12.03 14:03 (*.225.0.174)
    암레스트는 기타에 어떻게 고정시키나요? 나사같은게 보이는데...
  • seoguitar 2003.12.03 20:18 (*.148.211.157)
    진공을 이용한 흡착판으로 고정시킵니다

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