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2003.07.15 22:17

Music Quotes..

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Music Quotes

Alan Walker (1968): You cannot have critics with standards, you can only have music with standards which critics may observe.

Andres Segovia: (on coughing at concerts) It’s quite easy to stifle a cough if you work at it.

Andres Segovia: Music is like an ocean and the instruments like small islands. Some are flat, others mountainous, some are florid. The guitar is one of the most beautiful of the islands. I say that as a musician and not a guitarist.

Andres Segovia: A true artist is no more scared of critics than an honest man of the police.

Felix Mendelssohn: Life and art are not two different things

Franz Schubert: The guitar is a wonderful instrument, which is understood by few.

Frederic Chopin: Nothing is more beautiful than a guitar, save perhaps two.

Georges Bizet (1867): "Ah, music! What a beautiful art! But what a wretched profession!"

George Friedrich Handel: I do not wish to amuse my audience; I wish to make them better.

Igor Stravinsky: A good composer does not imitate; he steals.

Manuel de Falla: (of the guitar) The instrument most complete and richest in its harmonic and polyphonic possibilities.

Maurice Ravel: Music, I feel, must be emotional first and intellectual second.

Thomas Robinson: (using a wonderful word to describe a difficult piece of music ) "if it be not too trickified"

Joaquin Rodrigo: In heaven we will all be sounds.

Kurt Pahlen: Music is an acoustic phenomenom for poets; a technical problem of melody, harmony and rhythm for professional musicians; a soul expression that can exalt us infinitely and that encloses all the human feelings, for those who really love music with all their heart.

Pepe Romero: Music is a manifestation of love....if you are touched by music you are touched by love in a very pure way.

Nicolo Paganini:  I love the guitar for its harmony; it is my constant companion on all my travels.

Ned Rorem (1972): Bel canto is to opera what pole-vaulting is to ballet.

Oscar Wilde (1891): If one hears bad music it is one's duty to drown it by one's conversation.

Paul Hindemith (1952): The reactions music evokes are not feelings, but they are the images, memories of feelings.

Sir Thomas Beecham: The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes.

Whitney Balliett (1962): A critic is a bundle of biases held loosely together by a sense of taste.


* 수님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2003-07-16 07:43)

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