SONY, 드디어 Hi-MD용 WAV컨버젼 툴
Sony (finally!) garners their Hi-MD customers'
votes: Clay reports that Sony has released their Wav Conversion Tool that
converts uploaded Hi-MD recordings into Windows ".wav" format audio files. From
there they may be easily converted to MP3 or burned to CD.
Conversion Tool
The WAV Conversion Tool is software designed to convert
OpenMG™ Audio format files to PCM WAV files. Specifically, this tool is only for
OpenMG Audio format files that have been recorded through the MIC or LINE-IN
(analog) input from a Hi-MD™ Walkman® device and uploaded to SonicStage®
software. Convertible tracks recorded through a Hi-MD device can be converted to
WAV format files using the WAV Conversion Tool
WAV Conversion Tool
WAV Conversion Tool is software designed to convert OpenMG™ Audio format files
to PCM WAV files. Specifically, this tool is only for OpenMG Audio format files
that have been recorded through the MIC or LINE-IN (analog) input from a Hi-MD™
Walkman® device and uploaded to SonicStage® software. Convertible tracks
recorded through a Hi-MD device can be converted to WAV format files using the
WAV Conversion Tool.
Target products
Hi-MD Walkman
models with line-in feature: MZ-NH1 / MZ-NHF800 / MZ-NH900
Microsoft® Windows® XP Media Center Edition 2004 / Windows XP
Media Center Edition / Windows XP Professional / Windows XP Home Edition /
Windows 2000 Professional / Windows Millennium Edition / Windows 98 Second
- Launch SonicStage software.
- Select [Help]-[About SonicStage] from the Menu of the SonicStage window.
- Check the version of SonicStage software.
If "SonicStage Version 2.0.xx.xxxxx" or earlier is shown on the About SonicStage window, please install SonicStage Ver.2.1 or later before downloading this software. To download the latest version of SonicStage, please visit
If "SonicStage Version 2.1.xx.xxxxx" or later is shown on the About SonicStage window, please proceed to download and install this software.
For Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional users: To install and
utilize this software, you must log on as an "Administrator," "Power User," or
as a user with Administrator rights.
Do not allow your system go into a
suspend, sleep, and hibernation mode during the download.
- Connect to the
Internet, exit all applications, and disconnect your Hi-MD recorder from the PC.
If the Simple Burner or OpenMG Jukebox icon is displayed on the task tray, right
click on the icon(s) to exit.
- Click here to download WAVConversionToolSetup.exe (2,190 KB) to a temporary or download directory. Please note this directory for reference.
- Go to the directory where the WAVConversionToolSetUp.exe program was downloaded, and double-click (open) the program. The WAV Conversion Tool Installer window will appear.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to install the WAV Conversion Tool.
- A message "The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed WAV Conversion Tool" will be displayed when the installation is complete. Click [Finish] to complete the installation.
- Restart your computer.
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