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(*.227.48.92) 조회 수 11358 댓글 2
Jiri Jirmal은 1925년 체코 태생의 연주자, 작곡가 겸 교육가입니다.
현재Jiri Jirmal은 체코의 프라하 음악원에서 교수로 일하고 있으며
그의 교육성과는 수많은 체코 출신의 기타리스트를 배출한데서 널리
인정받고 있습니다.
대표적인 인물이 파리콩쿨에서 우승한 Vladimir Mikulka와 Prague Guitar
Quartet를 들 수 있습니다.

그의 작품세계를 살펴벼면 주류를 이루고 있는 것이 재즈와 보사보바를
들 수 있습니다.   Jiri Jirmal이 보사노바의 전설적인 인물인 Baden Powell을
기리기 위해 작곡한 곡이 Baden Jazz Suite 입니다.  

Baden Jazz Suite은 Jiri Jirmal에게서 사사받은 1990년 파리콩쿨 우승자인
Kerstin Eisenbarth가 1996년 국내에 내한 연주회를 가지면서 국내에
알려지게 되었습니다.    저도 그 당시에 악보를 얻었던  기억이 남니다.

자세한 Jiri Jirmal의 약력은 아래를 참고하시길

Jiri Jirmal was born in 1925 in Prague. He played guitar since his youth, especially jazz music. He acquired professional classic musical education later at the State Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Professor 둻?án Urban. He started his concert activities during studies,
He applied his universal knowledge both in jazz music and in classical music as well his ability to improvise also in TV, radio and movie recording studios
In 1963 an important German guitarist, Sigfried Behrend, invited Jiri Jirmal to Germany for concert cooperation and a pedagogic activity at the Music University in Saarbruecken.
At this time he further deepened his knowledge of music by studying tabulatories of Renaissance and Baroque music with an outstanding expert Michael Schoeffer in Koeln.
In 1965 Jiri Jirmal became a regular professor at the State Conservatory of Music in Prague. Not long after following a serious car crash he was forced to end his concert activities due to an injury of spine and his right hand. Since that time he devotes mostly to pedagogic, publishing and composing activity. He cooperates with music publishing houses Editio Barenreiter in Prague and Lemoine in Paris.
During his work at the Prague Conservatory the first important success of the Czech guitar school showed up when Vladimir Mikulka won the most prestigious guitar contest in the world "Radio France" in Paris. Eleven finalists, winners of this Paris competition prize and a number of other international contest laureates came out from Jiri Jirmal's class.
Jiri Jirmal is being invited to participate in juries of various international contests including "Radio France" and he pursues further his musical activities.
In 1999 the book "Ways of the Czech Guitar" was published. In this book Stanislav Barek summarised his conversations with Jiri Jirmal on his life with music.
In 2000 a CD with Jiri Jirmal's compositions is being published on the occasion of his 75th anniversary.



Comment '2'
  • 웬참견 2002.08.04 01:38 (*.54.36.132)
    Prague.....프라'하'라고 발음 하곤 하지요......ㅡㅡ+
  • 2003.09.06 00:16 (*.138.228.98)
    이리이르말은 체코의 작곡가입니다 브라질리언 천재 기타리스트 바덴파웰에게 헌정한 바덴파웰에게 헌정한 바덴재즈로 유명하죠~

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