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프랑스 인상주의 미술과 함께하는
인상주의 음악으로 프로그램을 짠 헤미 쥬쎌메 초청연주회.

자세한 일정과 프로그램은 추후안내 할께요....

a young french composer Sebastien Lemarchand,
Claude Engel ,french composer,
Hommage to Debussy, by Manuel de Falla,
I want to do also transcription of Maurice Ravel

주    최 :    기타매니아

서울, 대전, 춘천 , 대구,  진주, 울산 ,부산
미술관과 음악홀에서의 연계 연주회.

An impressive prize list!  놀라운 콩쿨우승기록 !

First Prize of the French Competition Foret d' Orleans (오를레앙 콩쿠르)(2000),

First Prize of the International Guitar Competition of Carpentras(카펜트라스 국제콩쿠르)) (2001),
First Prize of the International Guitar Competition Printemps de la Guitare (쁘랭땅  국제기타콩쿠르)(Belgium, 2002),
First Prize of the International Guitar Competition of Antony (안토니 국제기타콩쿠르)(France, 2003),
Prize Winner of the Alexandre Lagoya International Guitar Competition(알렉산더 라고야 국제기타콩쿠르) (Martinique 2003),
Prize Winner of the Chain Competition (Poland, 2002) dedicated to contemporary music interpretation.


"An outstanding musician"

Born in Marseille (France) in 1977, Remi Jousselme won during his studies the French National Competition Rene Bartoli (르네 바르톨리 콩쿠르)for young guitarists, which confirmed his musical vocation!

He decided to study with the French guitarist Gerard Abiton in Orleans(오를레앙) then with Pablo Marquez at the Strasbourg Conservatory(스트라스브르 콘써바토리) where he unanimously obtained the diploma of specialization with the congratulations of the jury.

Remi Jousselme also graduated from Aix-en-Provence (액상 프로방스)Music University and attended numerous master classes with guitarists (Eric Franceries, Alberto Ponce, Javier Quevedo, Manuel Barrueco, Marco Socias, John Dearman) as well as with directors (Eric Sobcyk, Pierre-Alain Biget). Remi Jousselme won in few years numerous international competitions, including the Belgium Printemps de la Guitare which for the first time rewarded a French guitarist. He then recorded a CD with pieces from romantic to contemporary repertoire.

In 2003, he played with the Ensemble Intercontemporain during the Musica Festival in Strasbourg (France) and the International Festival of Contemporary Music in Alicante (Spain).

In 2004, he was invited by the famous Paris International Guitar Festival and earned the highest praise from audiences and critics. He recorded in 2005 his second CD, called Brasiliana and devoted to Brasilian music. Remi Jousselme was then interviewed by Guitare Classique and made the cover of this magazine.

Since this time, Mr Jousselme is touring all over Europe, Russia, Asia and South America as a soloist or part of prestigious ensemble (Ensemble Intercontemporain, Compagnie Justiniana, Ensemble Musicatreize...), he's also state professor in the musical academy of Suresnes and Epinay sur Seine, near Paris.

헤미 쥬쎌메의 동영상을 올립니다.

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