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lorenzo micheli & mateo mela  duo recital.
세계적으로 유명한 기타듀오의 내한연주를 기타매니아에서  초청하였습니다.
많은 관심 부탁드립니다..

Lorenzo  Micheli : M.Castelnuovo Tedesco - Tarantella op 87b  

6월 13일 일요일 5시
경기도 파주  헤이리 예술인마을  예맥아트홀
주최........파주 헤이리 현음악축제
주관.......기타매니아  ,예맥아트홀.
후원......우쿨렐레센터(   tel: 031-908-2001,  handphone:010-5616-3933)
           고운악기 (, 브라만기타( ,  daum카페  한국기타리스트.
입장권 2만원 ......   예맥아트홀(031-943-9435)

6월 14일 월요일 7시30분

장소...전주 신일교회  ecm gloria hall

주최......전주 현위의 인생 음악축제

후원.......전주  병원

입장권 2만원.....   (010-4136-2434 , 당일 현장 구매가능)

6월 15일 화요일  오후 7시30분


장소 : 경남문화예술회관

주최 : 기타매니아

주관 : 필엔터테인먼트

후원 : 동양당 한약방, 이성수 안과, 화연건설(주), 고운악기

(찬조출연...지수임당, 가야금)

입장권 : 2만원

예매처 : 무현금 전통찻집(경남문화예술회관 앞) 문의(055- 759 - 5225)

6월 17일   목요일  오후 6시 30분.

장소...광주   빛고을시민회관

주최......광주 현위의 인생 음악페스티발


후원.....대한기타전문학원, 김근영기타레슨실.

(찬조출연  정인봉, 민동열,김재)

입장권   2만원......(010-4136-2434, 당일 현장구매가능)

6월 18일   금요일  울산 

장소 : KBS울산홀

일시 : 2010년 6월 18일(금) 19 : 30~

주최 : 기타매니아

주관 : 신세계 안과, 창조 피부과 공동주관

후원 : 설국(명품일식), 고운악기

입장권 : 2만원(010-8701-5551)

6월 19일  토요일  7시30분  

장소....서울   세종체임버홀  



후원 .....고운악기, 브라만, 다음카페 한국기타리스트

입장권( r석  5만원, s석 3만원,  a석2만원)......02-332-5545

예매: 인터파크 1544-1555
     티켓링크 1588-7890
문의: 02)332-5545

티켓링크 입장권 예약

Matteo Mela & Lorenzo Micheli guitars

Historical transcriptions for two guitars

Gioachino Rossini Ouverture from “Il barbiere di Siviglia”
transcribed by Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829)

Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) Pavane pour une infante défunte
transcribed by Emilio Pujol (1886-1880)

Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909) Three Pieces
transcribed by Miguel Llobet (1878-1938)
Bajo la palmera

* * *

Johann Sebastan Bach (1685-1750) French Suite no. 5 BWV  816
transcribed by Ida Presti (1924-1967) and Alexandre Lagoya (1929-1999)

Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Humoresque op. 10 n. 2
transcribed by Miguel Llobet

Enrique Granados (1867-1916) Intermedio from Goyescas
transcribed by Emilio Pujol

Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868) Ouverture from “La gazza ladra”
transcribed by Mauro Giuliani

Matteo Mela and Lorenzo Micheli first met in 2000. Since then, they have shared a number of ideas, musical projects, and travels all over the world. In 2002 they formed a duo that has already performed throughout Europe, USA, Canada and Latin America, and has been acclaimed everywhere – from New York’s Carnegie Hall to Vienna’s Konzerthaus – as one of the best ensembles ever heard. About one of their performances, The Washington Post wrote: “Extraordinarily sensitive, with effortless command and an almost unbearable delicacy of touch, the duo’s playing was nothing less than rapturous – profound and unforgettable musicianship of the highest order.”
In addition to classic, romantic and modern repertoire, Matteo and Lorenzo – joined by lutenist Massimo Lonardi – enjoy exploring the early literature for baroque guitar and theorbo. Together, Matteo and Lorenzo have recorded François de Fossa’s Three Quartets, op. 19 (Stradivarius 2004), a CD of 17th century Italian music for baroque guitar, archlute and theorbo (La Suave Melodia, Stradivarius 2008), Solaria, an anthology of 20th century masterpieces for two guitars (Pomegranate 2007), the Duos Concertants by Antoine De Lhoyer (Naxos 2007), a collection of chamber works by Mauro Giuliani (Amadeus 2008), a collection of 19th century pieces for two guitars (Noesis, Pomegranate 2009), the Sonatas of Ferdinand Rebay (Stradivarius 2010) as well as a dozen solo recordings on the labels Naxos, Brilliant Records, Kookaburra, Mel Bay, and Stradivarius. For further information, please visit,, and

“SoloDuo's Carnegie Hall concert was one of the more memorable concerts of the Weill season. It is hard to say what left more of an impression: their remarkable blend, their sublime artistry or their impeccable technique. Do not miss a chance to hear them.”
The New York Concert Review

Hailed by the musical critics as “virtuoso extraordinaire” (Nice Matin), “absolutely astonishing” (Fort Worth Star-Telegram), “prodigious talent” (Soundboard), guitarist and theorbist Lorenzo Micheli is today one of the most active Italian musicians in the world. A student of Paola Coppi in Milan, Frédéric Zigante in Lausanne and Oscar Ghiglia in Siena and Basel, he graduated with full marks from both the Conservatory of Trieste and the Musik-Akademie of Basel.

Since winning the first prize in some of the most prestigious guitar competitions (Gargnano, 1996; Alessandria, 1997; Guitar Foundation of America, 1999), Lorenzo Micheli has taken up a busy concert career throughout the world, performing regularly—both as a soloist and with orchestra—in many European countries (Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Spain, Austria, Ireland, Germany, the UK, France, Croatia, Finland, Norway, Estonia, Turkey, Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia) and all over the US and Canada, as well as in Africa and Latin America. As a researcher and scholar, he has written articles and contributions for a number of music journals, including “Il Fronimo”, “Classical Guitar” and “Guitar Forum”. His editorial projects – notably the unpublished works by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, and the complete Sonatas for solo guitar by Viennese romantic composer Ferdinand Rebay – are published by Bèrben and Philomele Editions. He gives masterclasses at universities and music festivals throughout North America and Europe, and he has made recordings for radio and TV in three continents. Since 2002, in addition to several other chamber music commitments (especially with the early music ensemble Conserto Vago, as a theorbo and baroque guitar player), he has been performing worldwide with Matteo Mela. Their guitar duo was welcomed by The Washington Post as “extraordinarily sensitive, with effortless command and an almost unbearable delicacy of touch: nothing less than rapturous - profound and unforgettable musicianship of the highest order”.

His several recordings include the music of Dionisio Aguado (Stradivarius),
the Three Quartets, op. 19, by the French composer François de Fossa (Stradivarius),
the complete guitar Concertos by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (Brilliant),
the live video Live at Texas Tech University (Mel Bay),
a selection of guitar music by Castelnuovo-Tedesco (Naxos),
the complete works by Miguel Llobet (Naxos),
and an anthology of chamber works by Mauro Giuliani (2 CDs, Amadeus).
Together with Matteo Mela,
he recorded the Duos Concertants by Antoine de Lhoyer (Naxos),
an anthology of 20th Century Masterpieces for two guitars (Pomegranate),
and a CD of Italian XVII Century music for baroque guitar,
archlute and theorbo (Stradivarius).
Agustin Barrios, 3 pieces (Vals op. 8 no. 4 - Vals de la Primavera - Maxixe)

Lorenzo is Guitar Professor at the Conservatory of Aosta, in the Italian Alps.
For further informations, please visit or  

아래는 금모래님의  우리말 번역입니다. 감사합니다.

<지나가다가 시간이 좀 나서 기타매니아에 공헌한 바도 없고 해서 서투르게 간단히 번역을 해봤습니다. 다 읽었겠지만 혹시나 참고하시라고.>

음악 평론가로부터 “비범한 대가”(Nice Matin), “대단히 놀라운”, “비범한 재능을 가진” 등의 찬사를 받은, 기타연주자이자 테오르보 연주자인 Lorenzo Micheli는 오늘날 세계적으로 가장 활동적인 이탈리아 음악가이다.

밀라노에서 Paola Coppi, 로잔(스위스의 호반 도시)에서 Frdric Zigante, 시에나(이탈리아 도시)와 바젤(프랑스와 독일 사이의 도시)에서 Oscar Ghiglia를 사사한 그는 the Conservatory of Trieste와 바젤의 the Musik-Akademie에서 만점으로 졸업을 했다.

가장 저명한 기타 경연대회 몇몇(Gargnano, 1996; Alessandria, 1997; Guitar Foundation of America, 1999)에서 최우수상을 받은 이래로, 그는 아프리카와 남미뿐만 아니라 미국 전역과 캐나다 그리고 많은 유럽국가(이탈리아, 스위스, 그리스, 스페인, 오스트리아, 아일랜드, 독일, 영국, 프랑스, 크로아티아, 필란드, 노르웨이, 에스토니아, 터키, 슬로바키아, 폴란드, 슬로베니아)에서 오케스트라와 함께 또는 솔로로 정기 연주를 하였으며 세계를 돌며 바쁜 연주 일정을 보냈다.

또 연구자나 학자로서 그는 "Il Fronimo", "Classical Guitar" 그리고 "Guitar Forum"을 포함한 많은 음악 잡지에 기고문과 논문을 썼다. Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco의 미간행 작품과 비엔나의 낭만파 작곡가인 Ferdinand Rebay의 완벽한 독주 소나타에 대한 그의 편곡들은 Brben and Philomele 출판사에 의해서 간행되었다. 그는 대학에서 마스터클래스를 열었으며 북미와 유럽에서 음악 경연회를 개최했고 3개 대륙에서 티비와 라디오를 위한 녹음도 했다.

2002년부터는 몇몇 다른 실내 악단(특히 테오르보와 바로크 기타 연주자로서 Conserto Vago 악단 외에도 Matteo Mela와 함께 세계 공연을 했다. 그들 기타 듀오는 워싱턴 포스트지로부터 “대단히 감성적이며, 가장 정연된 상태에서 심오하고 잊을 수 없는 음악성을 보여 주어 참으로 황홀하기까지 했으며 힘들이지 않는 제어력과 도저히 믿을 수 없는 섬세함을 가졌다”며 환영 받았다.

Lorenzo는 이탈리아 알프스에 있는 Conservatory of Aosta에서 기타를 가르치는 교수로 있다


Matteo Mela & Lorenzo Micheli

Matteo Mela and Lorenzo Micheli first met in 2000. Since then, they have shared a number of ideas, musical projects, and travels all over the world. In 2003 they formed a duo that has already performed throughout Europe, North and Latin America, and has been acclaimed everywhere – from New York’s Carnegie Hall to Vienna’s Konzerthaus – as one of the best ensembles ever heard. About one of their performances, The Washington Post wrote: “Extraordinarily sensitive, with effortless command and an almost unbearable delicacy of touch, the duo’s playing was nothing less than rapturous – profound and unforgettable musicianship of the highest order.”

In addition to classic, romantic and modern repertoire, Matteo and Lorenzo – joined by lutenist Massimo Lonardi – enjoy exploring the early literature for baroque guitar and theorbo. Together, Matteo and Lorenzo have recorded François de Fossa’s Three Quartets, op. 19 (Stradivarius), a CD of Italian Music from the 17th century for baroque guitar, archlute and theorbo (La Suave Melodia, Stradivarius), Solaria, an anthology of 20th century masterpieces for two guitars (Pomegranate), the Duos Concertants by Antoine De Lhoyer (Naxos), a collection of chamber works by Mauro Giuliani (Amadeus), as well as a dozen solo recordings on the labels Naxos, Brilliant Records, Kookaburra, Mel Bay, and Stradivarius


  Matteo Mela was born in Imperia in 1971. A student of Renzo Doria Miglietta in his hometown, he moved to Cremona to pursue his studies of musicology at the University. In Cremona he met Giovanni Puddu, who played a major role in his musical education; at the same time, he had the chance to attend the classes of Angelo Gilardino, Alirio Diaz, Oscar Ghiglia, David Russell, the Assad brothers. Moreover, he studied chamber music at the Accademia Pianistica di Imola with Dario De Rosa, Alexander Lonquich, and Pier Narciso Masi. As a member of the Mela-Bandini duo Matteo won – between 1991 and 1998 – the first prize in several prestigious chamber music competitions, such as the Aram (Rome) 1992, the F. Cilea Competition in 1993, the GMI in 1994, the Città di Gubbio, Città di Caltanissetta and Perugia Classico Competitions in 1995. Recently he has been enjoying regular collaboration with Lorenzo Micheli in a number of projects.  Matteo also regularly gives recitals and makes tv and radio appearances across Europe and North America (recent engagements have included performances in Rome, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Naples, Paris, Hamburg, Cologne, Warsaw, Oslo, Cincinnati, Phoenix, Dallas, Houston).  A teacher at the Accademia di Perfezionamento “G. Caccini” in Montopoli Val d’Arno and at the Accademia Musicale Tema in Milan, Matteo has released a CD of Latin American Dances (Quadrivium, with G. Bandini) and the solo CD Italian virtuosos of the nineteenth century (Kookaburra), as well as the Three Quartets, op. 19, by french composer François de Fossa (CD Stradivarius). His forthcoming new CD includes Astor Piazzolla’s complete guitar music, featuring Ivan Rabaglia (violin), Lorenzo Micheli (guitar), Per Arne Glorvigen (bandoneon) and the Piazzolla String Ensemble.


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