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alberto (guitar )  and marisa ( bandoneon) duo concertos.

프랑스 파리에서 활동하는 두 연주자.

알베르토와 마리사의 듀오연주회가
지리산자락의 산청한방축제초청으로  
한국을 방문하게 되었습니다....

2010년 5월 4일~9일
지리산 산청 한방축제  주최.


(위 연주회는  산청군의 선거문제로 연기되엇습니다...
추후 자세한 일정 다시 올리겟습니다...)


Considered one of the best guitarists of his generation, Alberto Vingiano was born in Ferrara in 1972. Revealing precocious musical inclinations, he entered Ferrara's "G. Frescobaldi" Conservatory where he earned an honours degree in classical guitar under Roberto Frosali's guidance.

He also attended courses with Alvaro Company and Alberto Ponce who quickly recognized his outstanding technical and musical skills.

Moving to Paris in 1991, A. Vingiano work at the Ecole Normale de Musique "A. Cortot", resulted in his obtaining, with honours, a Licence Supérieure d'Execution, a Licence Supérieure de Concertiste and a Licence Supérieure de Musique de Chambre.

In 1995 he entered the Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Paris, and began attending the special course for string instruments. It was the first time a guitarist had been selected to this prestigious class; he has received for his work in this class the Diplôme du troisième cycle, the CNSMP's highest distinction.

He had won many international prizes:
1st prize, Città di Stresa in 1990;
1st prize, Vincenzo Galilei  in 1991 (Florence)
1st prize, Città di Sanremo in 1993;
1st prize, Certamen F. Tárrega de Benicassim in 1993;
Sabam prize for the best interpretation, Printemps de la guitare de Walcourt in 1994;                 .1st prize, E. Pujol di Sassari in 1996;
1st prize, Bath International Guitar Competition in 1997.

His concert activity has included chamber music and soloing with renowned orchestras such as Orchestra Sinfonica di Sanremo, Orquestra de la Comunidad de Madrid, Orchestre Royal de Wallonie, and this has taken him to Italy, Spain, France, Marocco

A. Vingiano has received considerable critical acclaim. He has been frequently invited to international guitar festivals in Europe, in Canada, and has collaborated with venerable institutions such as the Opéra Comique de Paris and the Théâtre de la Bastille.

He is author of several tanscriptions which, since 1999, Canadian Productions d'Oz publishing house brought out within a special collection.

Marisa Mercadé

Marisa Mercadé was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She started as a child with piano continuing with bandoneon. Her technical and musical capacities were remarked by important figures of music such as Alejandro Zarate, Néstor Marconi in Buenos Aires and Juan José Mosalini in Paris.

The year 2000 represented the beginning of Marisa cooperation with “Las Tangueras” quartet, with whom she played in the most important Argentinean theatres. Thanks to the first prize awarded to Marisa at the musical competition of “La Orquesta Escuela” directed by Emilio Balcarce, Marisa starts her international carrier.

Soon after arriving in Europe Marisa integrated the “Orchestra Tipica” of Juan Cedron with whom she recorded the album “Nocturno”, she plays as soloist with the Symphonic Orchestra of Nice in the opera “Paris-Tango” by Juan José Mosalini and Horacio Ferrer, she recorded “Omoi” with the Japanese singer Anna Saeki and “Las Malenas”; this latter recording lead to her first Asian musical tour. Marisa becomes member of the Italian quintet Hyperion and the Swiss orchestra “Silencio”. In 2004 the maestro Juan José Mosalini invites Marisa to be part of the “Gran Orquesta de Tango” and relatives many concerts throughout Europe. The same year Marisa founds “Trio Contempo” and following recording of their third album “Angeles y Demonios” promoted in several concerts all over Europe and Latin America.

Since 2005 Marisa accompany the pianist and singer Juan Carlos Caceres in his concerts of Murga Argentina. Marisa also plays in duo with the singer Melingo in his European tours.

Other recent projects of Marisa Mercadé:

Concerts with “l’Octuor de Violoncelles”
Concerts with the string quintet “Les Archets de Paris”
Recordings of contemporary music for theatre by J.C. Marti
Recording to the second album of “Las Malenas”.
Collaboration with the composer Luis Naon for the album “Corazon del Sur”.


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