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gabriele natilla    guitar recital
가브리엘 나틸야  기타콘써트
일시:7,25일(토) 저녁 6시  장소:르셀리에
티켓가격:5만(디너 포함)
공연문의:조상구기타스튜디오(488-2621, 010-3910-0100)

가브리엘 프로필

Gabriele Natilla was born in Taranto (Southern Italy) in 1972 and earned his Diploma in guitar with
highest honours at the National Conservatory of Bari-Monopoli in 1994.
He subsequently studied under Flavio Cucchi in Florence, Italy and Oscar Ghiglia at the Accademia
Chigiana in Siena, Italy. In 1995 he moved to Paris and attended the Ecole Normale de Musique where,
under the tutelage of Alberto Ponce, he earned the Diplôme Supérieur d'exécution. He has also studied
early music in Valtice (Czech Republic).
In addition to his Ph.D. cum laude in Science of Communications from the University of Siena (with a
thesis on Jewish Humour), he has earned the “Certificat d’Aptitude”, the highest diploma bestowed upon
art teachers in France.
He has been awarded prizes at numerous international competitions including: "Paolo Barsacchi"
(Viareggio, Italy, 1995); Chitarrissima (Saluzzo, Italy, 1995); Ile-de-France (Paris, 1996);
Miedzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Gitarowej (Krakow, Poland, 1997); Japan Chamber Music Academy
(Nagoya, Japan, 2000); Toppan Hall (Tokyo, 2000); “Mauro Giuliani” (Bari, Italy, 2001).
His CD “Passeggiate” (produced by StarLight Office, Tokyo) features solo guitar Italian music from the
17th to 19th century, including personal arrangements. He recorded for NHK (the Japan National TV)
and took part to several TV and radio broadcasts there.
Composers like Atanas Ourkouzounov and Brian Wright have written for him.
He has performed in over 15 countries in Europe, as well as in Israel, Morocco, the United States and
He teaches guitar at the State Conservatory of Argenteuil (by Paris).  
이탈리아에서 출생 , 오스카 길리아에게 사사. 프랑스 에꼴 노말에서  알베르토 퐁세 사사.
현재 프랑스 파리 아쟝띨 콘써바토리 교수.


La Tarantella:
        Two tarantellas after Santiago de Murcia and Rolf Lislevand (Gabriele Natilla)
        La tarantella (Mauro Giuliani)
        Tarantella (Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco)

Federico Moreno-Torroba : Sonatina
                I. Allegretto
                II. Andante
                III. Allegro

                        ********* intermission ***********

The Waltz:
        Valse B I 150 (Frédéric Chopin)*
        Vals op. 8 n. 3 (Agustin Barrios)
         Waltz for Debbie (Bill Evans)**

Brian Wright: Sonatina 'alla spagnuola'
                I. Allegro
                II. Habanera
                III. Rondo

Ariel Ramirez: Alfonsina y el mar (Zamba)


* arr. by Gabriele Natilla
** arr. by Brian Wright


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