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  During the last one week, i had two fortune.
One was I could enjoy the violin of Great master GIDON KREMER
    (It was fortune to get an entrance ticket even though all
     ticket was sold over, but a gentlmen presented me a ticket
     it was almost 100Euro.)
And the other one was I could hold the legendary master piece
   The sound volume also enough excellent and more over
   the feeling was totally different from with another modern guitar.
   I COULD NOT IMAGINE THE GUITAR (150years old) make such a deep  sound.
which can touch even to my soul.

I have seen three  different Antonio de Torres but all those
  were just for the museum not for the playing.
But this was conserved very well with good condition.
The guitar can be use  on the concert hall.
At moment the owner doesw not have intention to sell it.
but soon or later when he die, his son is going to sell it.
I WISH that  someone in Korea could take it.

I like to keep the feeling and vibrations during my life when I PLAYED with Antonio de Torres.  
Comment '2'
  • 2003.11.27 21:26 (*.80.24.41)
    바로 그 "토레스"가 한국땅으로 들어와야한다니까여......
  • gg 2003.11.28 23:28 (*.231.70.193)

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