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2017.04.20 06:07

와그너와의 대담.

(*.154.69.24) 조회 수 10763 댓글 0 주소복사
와그너를 만나서 그의 기타에 대하여 인터뷰한 내용입니다.                                      번역...장민섭

CLASSICAL GUITAR: When talking about “double-top guitars,” two luthiers come into my mind, you and your German colleague Matthias Dammann. Would you say that there are big differences in your approaches, or are they similar?


더불  기타
 (double-top guitars)  이야기    명의 기타제작가가 생각이 납니다와그너(Gernot Wagner) 선생님과 마티스 담만 (Matthias Dammann) 이다와그너 선생님과 마티스 담만과는  차이가 있습니까 비슷합니까?


GERNOT WAGNER: I met Matthias more than 20 years ago and we soon felt a kind of spiritual kinship with each other. At least [we share] a very similar integral way of viewing things concerning how the guitar works. We often exchanged ideas on acoustic issues and on practical questions which arose at work.

He has been building guitars with two wooden skins and with thin wooden strips in between as a spacer for many years. In my own guitar making, I was very struck by the sound of the guitars I made with tops using wood with a lower specific gravity. So I continued to build solid wooden tops using such wood for my guitars. With cedar, it is much easier to find extra-light wood, so I mainly built cedar guitars.

At that time, the way Matthias chose to make his tops seemed way too risky and too fiddly with all those thin wooden strips. So when I discovered the Nomex honeycomb, it was like a brainwave! When I discussed the use of this new material with Matthias, it was obvious for him to immediately borrow this idea [and] he built the first guitar using this material. The use of a synthetic glue and vacuum gluing was stringently required. A little later, I made my first double-top guitar using this fantastic material. Since then, numerous luthiers around the world have been copying the Nomex method in making guitar tops.

It would be better to call these tops “composite tops” because we are marrying two different materials with the aim of getting properties that are superior to the respective single materials we use.

Using Nomex as a spacer between two wooden skins, I get a high stiffness, which is required to withstand the string tension, combined with a low density—two factors that enhance the amount of sound radiated from the instrument. Furthermore, I will get a better propagation of sound, which is important for coupling all strings to those modes which induce net volume change.


담만과는 20여년 전에 만났다우리는 만나자 마자 서로 통하는 것을 알았다그것은 기타의 작동 원리에 대한 관점이 같았기 때문이다우리는 제작을   생기는 현실적인 의문점 대하여 그리고 음향적인 문제에 대하여 토론하며 의견을 교환하였다

담만은  개의 얇은 나무 전판을 만들고  사이의 간격에 얇은 나무 조각들을 집어 넣어  년간 기타를 만들었다나는 무겁지 않은 나무(lower specific gravity) 전판을 만든 기타 소리에 매료 되어 이런 나무로 계속 기타를 만들었다그래서 내가 시더(cedar) 전판으로 사용하는 이유도가벼운 나무가  목적에 맞기 때문이었다.  

 당시 담만은  얇은 조각들을 사용하여 실패 위험도 있고 성가실 정도 힘들게 전판을 만들고 있었다.  그래서 내가 노맥스 허니콤 ( Nomex honeycomb )  발견한 것은 기막힌 묘안이었다내가  새로운 재질에 대하여 담만과 토론하였고 담만은 바로  아이디어를 채택하여  재질을사용하여  기타를 만들었다그런데 합성 접착제(synthetic glue) 사용하고 진공으로 접착(vacuum gluing)해야하는 어려움이 있었다  나도바로  환상적인 재질을 이용하여  더블  기타를 만들었다그로부터 수많은 제작가들이 노맥스 방법으로 기타 전판을 만들고 있다

이런 종류의 전판은 합성된 전판이라고 부르는 것이 좋을 것이다왜냐하면  개의 다른 재질을 짝을 이루게 하여 하나의 재질 전판 보다  좋은성능을 가지게 하기 때문이다.  

노맥스 (Nomex)   개의 전판 사이에 공간을 메워주는 것으로 사용하면 기타줄의 장력을  지탱해   있는 단단함(stiffness) 유지해줄 뿐만아니라 밀도(density: 단위 부피당 질량) 낮아 진다그래서 악기의 음량(amount of sound) 커진다 두가지 장점 때문에 악기에서 소리가 울리고  퍼져 나가도록(better propagation) 한다.  

CG: Why is the low weight so important?

질문 :  무게가 가벼운 것이 중요합니까?

WAGNER: First, the tension and mass of the guitar’s nylon strings are both rather low. The force created by plucking a string is not very strong and it has only short-time momentum. There is no continuous input as you have with bowed stringed instruments. Also, the mechanical impedance of the guitar top/bridge is different from that of the strings. The bigger this difference is, the more of the applied force is reflected at the interface [top]. On an electric guitar [high impedance] this difference is much bigger than on a banjo, for example. With the electric guitar, you will have an “endless” sustain [amplified]; with the banjo [low impedance] you will get a great volume but very short notes.

The consequence is that it is important to strive for a better impedance matching of the two coupled oscillators [strings and guitar body]. Impedance matching gives a more effective transfer of energy. Thus, by having a lighter top, you will get more volume. With these tops, which are more flexible but not at the expense of resilience, you get a better modulation of volume. You have a wider dynamic range. It is easier to induce vibrations even with very low force. So you get a better pianissimo and you can also play loudly when you need to. With these tops it is much easier to get lower fundamental modes. My Helmholtz resonance [body resonance] is mostly around F or F sharp. This way I get a really sonorous bass with a great number of harmonics, and thus my guitars have a rather dark timbre.

답변 :

나일론 기타 줄의 장력(tension) 질량(mass) 비교적 낮다기타 줄을 퉁기면 (force) 크게 작용하지 않아  힘의 영향이 순간적이다활로마찰 시켜 소리를 내는 찰현 악기 처럼 힘의 영향이 길게 이어지지 않는다또한 임피던스(impedance : 음향적으로 소리의 진동을 방해하려는 성질) 전판/브리지와 기타 줄이 서로 차이가 있다 차이가 클수록 전판에 작용하는 자극이 커질  밖에 없다예를 들어 전기 기타(일렉 기타) 기타줄과 전판 사이에 임피던스는 밴조(banjo)   보다 크다그래서 전기기타 소리의 서스테인(sustain) 계속적으로 이어지지만 밴조의 소리는크지만 소리가 짧게 끊어진다.

그래서 진동이 되는 기타 줄 그리고 기타의 몸통 이 두 개의 임피던스가 잘 조화를 이루도록 노력하는 것이다잘 조화를 이루면 더 효과적인 에너지 전달이 될 수 있다전판의 무게가 가벼우면 더 큰 소리를 낸다유연하지만(flexible) 탄력성(resilience)을 잃지 않는 종류의 전판으로 소리가 더 잘 전달될 수 있다(better modulation of volume). 그리고 더 넓은 폭의 음역을 가지게 된다.(wider dynamic range) 즉 작은 힘으로도 쉽게 진동을 일으킬 수 있다연주 할 때 작고 부드러운 피아니시모( pianissimo)도 잘 표현할 뿐만 아니라 크게 소리를 만들고 싶으면 큰 소리를 낼 수도 있다낮은 음계(lower fundamental modes)를 가진 기타를 만들 수 있다나의 기타의 헬륨훌츠 공명Helmholtz resonance:기타의 몸통의 공명) F F #정도 된다그래서 다양한 하모니 (harmonics)  가진 낭랑하고 널리 퍼지는 저음부를 가지게 되어 나의 기타는 비교적 두꺼운 소리(dark timbre)가진다.

                                                        번역..장민섭(010 8360 4943)

번역해주신 장민섭님께 개인적으로 감사드림니다...

영어를 잘 하시는분들이 많아도 선뜻하기가 어려운 부분이 있는데도 불구하고 힘써주셔서 다들 쉽게 볼수있게 되었어요...    출처입니다

(이성관카페에   장민섭님이 올린글   퍼왔습니다.)


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