내한 준비중인 코시킨 듀오

by 콩쥐 posted Jun 06, 2015


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The Koshkin Guitar Duo
The Koshkin Guitar Duo was formed in 2011 by the Russian guitarists Asya Selyutina and Olga Kamornik. The ensemble’s ambition is to enlarge their repertoire with transcriptions and original compositions for two guitars by Nikita Koshkin. At the moment the programme develops in three different directions – European music, Russian music and original works by Nikita Koshkin.
The Duo’s  debut took place in Ankara (Turkey) with Bilkent Symphony Orchestra. Kamornik and Selyutina introduced the music by Nikita Koshkin and Joaquin Rodrigo. The Duo has also performed with very big success in Russia, Germany, Norway and Italy. The musicians gave master-classes at the Grieg Academy (Bergen) and  appear regularly at the several guitar festivals in Russia. During 2015 Koshkin Guitar Duo became the prizewinner of the international ensemble competitions in Sankt-Petersburg , Moscow (Russia) and Gorizia (Italy).

Asya Selyutina- represents the new generation of the Russian classical guitarists. She appears regularly as a soloist in chamber music ensembles, with orchestras and as a jury member in competitions. She has performed in Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Turkey, India, Bhutan, Israel, and Iran, and was among the winners in several international guitar competitions, including Belgorod, Voronezh, St.Petersburg (Russia), Ukrainka, Kiev (Ukraine), Arhanes (Greece), and Belgrade (Serbia). Asya Selyutina graduated from Schnittke Music College, State Classical Academy in Moscow and has taken master classes with guitarists such as Elena Papandreou, Fabio Zanon, Philippe Villa, Zoran Dukic, Jaison Vieaux, and Odair Assad.
In 2009 her debut recording, Asya Selyutina – Guitar Solo, was released by Kreuzberg Records of Germany and was highly acclaimed. Nikita Koshkin has dedicated his solo guitar cycle Preludes and Fugue to Asya Selyutina. She is also a well-known teacher in Russia, and teaches at the Moscow State Classical Academy. Selyutina plays a guitar by Peter Barton.
Olga Kamornik, one of the brightest names in Russian classical guitar, showed her talent from an early age. As a child prodigy Olga won several junior competitions. She entered her first serious competition at the age of fifteen and was awarded third prize in the All-Russia competition. This success was followed by others in both international and Russian competitions.
Olga Kamornik, a well-known teacher in Russia, has performed in Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Germany, Scotland, and Turkey and often appears as a soloist with symphony orchestras. She plays ensemble music in a variety of chamber groups. Olga is currently studying for a Master’s degree with Professor Thomas Müller-Pering at the Franz Liszt High School of Music, Weimar, Germany. Since joining the Duo, Olga Kamornik also performs on a guitar by Peter Barton.
In 2011 Olga Kamornik was invited by Nikita Koshkin to form a duo with Asya Selyutina. At first this was difficult because the two performers were living very far from each other (Asya in Moscow and Olga in Rostov-On-Don), necessitating two hour air flights to attend rehearsals. But these difficulties were overcome and finally the Koshkin Duo was ready to perform concerts. However, at this time Olga entered the Franz Liszt High School of Music and the rehearsals became even more of a problem. But again nothing could stop the work. The Koshkin Guitar Duo travels regularly from Moscow to Weimar and back. While in Weimar, Asya and Olga took several lessons with Thomas Müller-Pering, Ricardo Gallen and Andiano del Sal.
The Koshkin Guitar Duo are rapidly establishing a reputation as one of the world’s most eminent duos with their adventurous approach to new repertoire and their dedicated artistry and interpretative sensitivity.




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