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엔리코 카루소(Enrico Caruso, 1873년 2월 25일 ~ 1921년 8월 2일 )

John Francis McCormack, Count McCormack[1][2][3] (14 June 1884 – 16 September 1945)

두사람 비슷한 시기(19세기말 출생)에 20세기 초 중반까지 활동했던

세계적인 테너라고 할수 있겠는데 워낙 카루소의 명성에 비해서는 덜 알려졌던 테너인

  John Francis McCormack, Count McCormack 테너가수를

지난해 봄에 MEETING OF THE WATERS 라는 아일랜드 민요를  음악과 문학, 그리고

초 여름에는 친구연주란에도  소개한 이후로

특별히 좋아하게 되었습니다만 갈수록 그의 아름다운 목소리에 빠져들게 되네요,

100여년전의 귀한 녹음의 음반이 누군가의 손에 의해 유투브에서 이렇게 같이 공유할수 있으니

참 좋습니다.  남성 테너가수의 목소리에 이렇게 가슴이 설레듯 좋아 지는 이유가 무얼까요? 

유투브에 올라와 있는 그의 노래를 계속 찾아서 감상중인데 그중에

John McCormack (tenor)

성악쪽으로도 관심있는 분들께서는 조용히 감상해 보시기를 권하고 싶습니다.   When You And I Were Young Maggie    Silver Threads Among The Gold   Londonderry air, 대니보이 라고도 불리는 이노래의 가장 오래된 ULSTER전통버전의 가사가

                                                                             상당히 다르군요, 흔히들 Londonderry Air라고 하는데

                                                                             북아엘랜드에 있는 도시 Derry Air 가 정확한 표현이라고

                                                                             그쪽 사람들이 쓴 글을 보았습니다만...

                                                                (30년대 실황 녹음)
                                                                Rec, 1936, Live.       TRAD. ULSTER

또 John McCormack의 노래를 전체적으로 더 감상하고 싶은분은

Top Tracks for John McCormack를 유투브 창에서 치면 30곡 이상 연속으로 들을수 있는 노래가 나옵니다.


One of the greatest opera singers of all time. He ranked with Caruso, who was a contemporary.

 But he achieved international rock-star-like fame on the concert stage where he began singing the songs of his native Ireland

as encores to his operatic repertoire. This made him the prototype of the "Irish tenor."

All Irish tenors who came later were pretty much imitations of John McCormack. 


John McCormack (tenor)

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McCormack in New York in 1910

John Francis McCormack, Count McCormack[1][2][3] (14 June 1884 – 16 September 1945) was a world-famous Irish tenor, celebrated for his performances of the operatic and popular song repertoires, and renowned for his diction and breath control.[4] He was also a Papal Count.



[edit] Early life

Count McCormack was born in Athlone, Ireland, the fourth of eleven children of Andrew McCormack and Hannah Watson[5] on 14 June 1884, and was baptised in St. Mary's Church, Athlone on 23 June 1884. His parents were employed at the Athlone Woollen Mills.

McCormack received his early education from the Marist Brothers in Athlone, and he later attended Summerhill College, Sligo. In 1903 he won the coveted gold medal of the Dublin Feis Ceoil. He married Lily Foley in 1906 and they had two children, Cyril and Gwen.

In March 1904, McCormack became associated with James Joyce, who at the time had singing ambitions himself. Richard Ellmann, in his biography of Joyce, states that, "Joyce spent several evenings with him" (i.e. McCormack), practising; along with Joyce's acquaintance Richard Best, McCormack persuaded Joyce to enter the Feis Ceoil that year.[6]

[edit] Career

Fundraising activities on his behalf enabled McCormack to travel to Italy in 1905 to receive voice training by Vincenzo Sabatini (father of the novelist Rafael Sabatini) in Milan. Sabatini found McCormack's voice naturally tuned and concentrated on perfecting his breath control, an element that would become part of the basis of his renown as a vocalist.

In 1906, he made his operatic début at the Teatro Chiabrera, Savona. The next year he began his first important operatic performance at Covent Garden in Mascagni's Cavalleria rusticana, becoming the theatre's youngest principal tenor. In 1909 he began his career in America. Michael Scott ("The Record of Singing" 1978) writes that at this stage of his career he should be considered a tenor of the Italian style—and he sang (and recorded) French operatic arias in the Italian language. Steane ("The Grand Tradition" 1971) stresses that, for all his later devotion to the concert platform (and his Irish identity), he was (for albeit a relatively brief period) in essence an Italian operatic tenor.

In February 1911, McCormack played Lieutenant Paul Merrill in the world premiere of Victor Herbert's drama Natoma with Mary Garden in the title role. Later that year he toured Australia after Dame Nellie Melba engaged him, then at the height of his operatic career aged 27, as a star tenor for the Melba Grand Opera Season. He returned for concert tours in subsequent years.

By 1912, he was beginning to become involved increasingly with concert performances, where his voice quality and charisma ensured that he became the most celebrated lyric tenor of his time. He did not, however, retire from the operatic stage until after his performance of 1923 in Monte Carlo (see biography below), although by then the top notes of his voice had contracted. Famous for his extraordinary breath control, he could sing 64 notes on one breath in Mozart's Il mio tesoro from Don Giovanni, and his Handelian singing was just as impressive in this regard.

McCormack made hundreds of recordings, the first on phonograph cylinder in 1904. His most commercially successful series of records were those for the Victor Talking Machine Company during the 1910s and 1920s. He also broadcast regularly by radio and performed in a few sound films, among them the first British colour film, Wings of the Morning (1937),[7] and Orson Welles' Citizen Kane (1941), where he had a small uncredited part.[8]

John McCormack in the 5000-seat New York Hippodrome c.1915–1916

McCormack was the first artist to record the famous World War I song "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" in 1914. He also recorded the song "Keep The Home Fires Burning" in 1917, though he was not the first to do so. He also sang songs expressive of Irish nationalism—his recording of "The Wearing of the Green", a song about the Irish rebellion of 1798, encouraged 20th century efforts for Irish Home Rule—and endorsed the Irish Nationalist estrangement from the United Kingdom. McCormack was associated particularly with the songs of Thomas Moore, notably "The Harp That Once Through Tara's Halls", "The Minstrel Boy", "Believe Me If All (Those Endearing Young Charms)", and "The Last Rose of Summer". Between 1914 and 1922, he recorded almost two dozen songs with violin accompaniment provided by Fritz Kreisler, with whom he also toured. He recorded songs of Hugo Wolf for the Hugo Wolf Society in German.

In 1917, McCormack became a naturalized citizen of the United States. In June 1918, he donated $11,458 towards the USA's world war effort. By then, his career was a huge financial success, earning millions in his lifetime from record sales and appearances, though he never was invited to sing at La Scala in Milan.

By 1920, Edwin Schneider had become McCormack's accompanist and the two were "inseparable." McCormack spent the next 25 years travelling and working with Schneider.[9]

In 1927, McCormack moved into Moore Abbey, Monasterevan, County Kildare and lived an opulent life by Irish standards. He had apartments in London and New York. He hoped that one of his racehorses, such as Golden Lullaby, would win the Epsom Derby, but he was unlucky.

McCormack also bought Runyon Canyon in Hollywood in 1930 from Carman Runyon. McCormack saw and liked the estate while there filming Song o' My Heart (1930),[10] an early all-talking, all-singing picture. McCormack used his salary for this movie to purchase the estate and built a mansion he called 'San Patrizio', after Saint Patrick. McCormack and his wife lived in the mansion until they returned to England in 1938.

McCormack toured often, and in his absence the mansion was often let to celebrities such as Janet Gaynor and Charles Boyer. The McCormacks made many friends in Hollywood, among them Will Rogers, John Barrymore, Basil Rathbone, Charles E. Toberman and the Dohenys. After his farewell tour of America in 1937, the McCormacks deeded the estate back to Carman Runyon expecting to return to the estate at a later date. World War II intervened and McCormack did not return.

The grave of John McCormack in Deans Grange Cemetery

McCormack originally ended his career at the Royal Albert Hall in London, during 1938. However, one year after that farewell concert, he was back singing for the Red Cross and in support of the war effort. He gave concerts, toured, broadcast and recorded in this capacity until 1943, when failing health finally forced him to retire permanently.[11]

Ill with emphysema, he bought a house near the sea, "Glena", Booterstown, Dublin.[12] After a series of infectious illnesses, including influenza and pneumonia, McCormack died in September 1945. He is buried in Deansgrange Cemetery.

[edit] Honours

McCormack was much honoured and decorated for his musical career. In 1928, he received the title of Papal Count from Pope Pius XI in recognition of his work for Catholic charities. He had earlier received three papal knighthoods, Knight of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great and Knight of the Order of St. Sylvester. He was also a Knight of Malta and a Privy Chamberlain of the Sword and Cape, an honour which is known now as a Gentlemen of His Holiness.

One of the most famous acts of McCormack's Irish career was his singing of César Franck's Panis Angelicus to the thousands who thronged Dublin's Phoenix Park for the 1932 Eucharistic Congress.

A life-sized bronze statue of McCormack, by sculptor Elizabeth O'Kane, was established in Dublin on 19 June 2008.[13][14] The statue stands in the Iveagh Gardens, close to the National Concert Hall.

In his hometown of Athlone, he is commemorated by the Athlone Institute of Technology who named their performance hall after him, the John Count McCormack Hall.

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ Note: he was often named in Ireland by official sources as John Count McCormack, including as such at his grave stone
  2. ^ Portrait of Count John McCormack - official website of the National Gallery of Ireland
  3. ^ note/john-mccormack
  4. ^ Douglas, Nigel (1994). More Legendary Voices, pp. 131-152
  5. ^ cf. biography at
  6. ^ Richard Ellmann, James Joyce (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1959), p.151.
  7. ^ Wings of the Morning - Internet Movie Database
  8. ^ Full cast and crew for Citizen Kane - Internet Movie Database
  9. ^ "The Gramophone". Vol 46, Issue 2. Retrieved 8/4/2011. 
  10. ^ * Song o'My Heart at the Internet Movie Database
  11. ^ One of his last recordings was his 1941 "Mighty Lak' a Rose" rendition of the song by Frank Lebby Stanton (lyrics) and Ethelbert Nevin (music). For the recording, click here.
  12. ^ He also bought and owned a property in County Wicklow known as the Old Conna, which later became a private hotel, a private property and subsequently Aravon School and Golf Course.
  13. ^ Talent Counts as Elizabeth unveils McCormack bronze, by Karen Fullerton - Ballymena Times press release at the website of Sculptor Elizabeth O'Kane
  14. ^ John Count McCormack statue for Civic Centre - website of The Westmeath Independent

[edit] Bibliography

  • The Great Irish Tenor: John McCormack, by Gordon T Ledbetter, Town House, 2003; ISBN 1-86059-178-7
  • John McCormack, Icon Of An Age (DVD Box Set)

[edit] Sources

[edit] External links

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Comment '3'
  • ESTEBAN 2012.10.07 04:27 (*.37.71.195)

    카루소와 함께 모든 시대를 걸쳐 가장 위대한 오페라 가수중의 한사람으로 꼽히는 그는
    자신이 부르는 무대에서 앙코르곡으로 늘 자신의 모국인 아일랜드 민요를 자신만의 오페라 스타일로 부르면서
    마치 요즘 세계적인 록 스타와 같은 명성을 얻게 되면서 IRISH TENOR 라는 칭호를 얻게 되고
    이후의 모든 아일랜드 출신의 테너들이 John McCormack. 의 이러한 스타일을 모방하게 되는데
    오늘날 수많은 아일랜드의 민요가 세계적으로 많이 알려지게 되는데 큰 일조를 한것으로 볼수 있을것으로 보입니다.

    아래 주소를 클릭하면 그의 노래를 계속 연속해서 들을수가 있습니다.  Top Tracks for John McCormack. 

  • 2012.10.07 07:19 (*.172.98.197)
    이분도 에스떼반님이랑 목소리가 거의 같네요....
  • ESTEBAN 2012.10.08 00:27 (*.37.71.195)

    원 별 말씀을 ! 혼자서 공부하는 제 방법으로는 늘 그 목소리를 기엌하고 상상하면서
    그 소리의 진동수치를 비슷하게 일치시켜 흉내 내어 볼려는 노력에 불과 하겠지요, Plaisir D'Amour 대부분 SP시대에 노래를 한 그의 귀한 동영상이 있군요,John McCormack

                                                                               그에 대한 누군가의 평이 있군요
                                                                     Who can sing with more passion and heart than this?

                                                         What a great instrument - someone compared his voice to a Stradivarius in resonance.

                                                                        Thank You John McCormack -     "Iraland, Mother Land"

                                                                                                                    "I Hear You Calling Me"

    McCormack's was recorded on 7 January 1910. 비슷한 시기의 위대한 두 테너의 녹음을 같이 올려 놓은
    흥미로운 유투브가 있군요, 동시에 비교 감상을 !!

    Caruso's was recorded on 26 November 1911.
    Enrico Caruso & John McCormack - Una furtiva lagrima


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