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   이 곡은 셀틱 우먼 의 아일랜드민요 시리즈 첫곡으로 소개해 드렸던
Orla Fallon 이 부른 ISLE OF INNISFREE 에 반해서
  그녀 가 부른 여러 노래를 찾아서 듣다가 보니 직접 하프를 연주 하면서 노래 하는것이
  여러곡이 있는데 그 중에도 이니스프리 의 호수의 섬 못지 않은 아름다운 곡을 발견하고
  악보를 찾던 중  진태권님께서 도와 주셔서 요즈음 열심히 배우고 있습니다.

  가장 깊은 대양 조차도 수영을 하여 내 사랑을 찾아 건너가고 싶지만
  바다는 너무나 넓어서 그럴수 없음을 안타까워하는 구절이 있습니다.



  노래: Orla Fallon(셀틱우먼)


  CARRICK BEND 는 사전상의 뜻으로는 "닻 매듭"으로서 밧줄의 끋과 끋을 이어매는 방법의
  하나이고 FERGUS는 남자의 이름인데 무어라고 이름을 붙여야 적절할지요?
노래의 전반적인 내용은 평범하지만 여러분의 의견을 모아서 제목을 붙였으면 좋겠습니다.

  My childhood days bring back sad reflections of happy times I spent so long ago
  My boyhood friends and my own relations have all passed on now like melting snow
  But I,ll spend my spend my days in endless roaming soft is the grass my bed is free
  Ah ! to be back now in Carrickfergus on that long road down to the sea -  2절 가사

  And Kilkenny, it is reported, there are marble stones as black as a ink
  With gold and silver, I would surpport her, I,ll sing no more now till I get a drink
  I,m drunk today, and I,m seldom sober, a hansome rover from town to town
  Ah, but I,m sick now, my days are numbered, so come all ye toung man and lay me down - 3절 가사

  노래의 오리지널이 확실치는 않지만 노래의 역사에 관한 설명이 나오는데
  300여년 가까이 되는 배경을 가지고 있는것으로 보이네요, 내용이 너무 많아
  일일히 번역을 못했으니 다같이 공부하면서 이 노래에 관심 있는분들께서
  같이 배우면 재미있을것 같습니다.

  Carrickfergus (song)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
"Carrickfergus" is an Irish folk song. The origins of the song are unclear, but it has been traced to an Irish language song, "Do bhí bean uasal" ("There Was a Noblewoman"), which is attested to the poet Cathal Buí Mac Giolla Ghunna, who died in 1745 in County Clare.[1]

The song appears on a ballad sheet in Cork City in the mid Nineteenth Century in macaronic form.[1] The Cork singer Seán Ó Sé performs this macaronic version of the song on his album 'Heritage'.

The Irish lyrics were about a man being cuckolded, a bawdy and humorous ditty. By contrast, the English lyrics are nostalgic.

With the Industrial Revolution, a linen-trade developed between Co. Antrim (where Carrickfergus is situated), and Co. Cork. It is possible the English lyrics came from snatches picked up in interactions with the Ulstermen.

Robert Gogan [2] suggests Carrickfergus may have evolved from at least two separate songs which would explain why it doesn't have a consistent narrative.

For example, the Ancient Music of Ireland, published by George Petrie in 1855, contained a song called The Young Lady which featured many but not all of the lyrics used in Carrickfergus.

Gogan also refers to a recording of a song called Sweet Maggie Gordon which is kept in the Music for the Nation section of the US Library of Congress. It was published by Mrs Pauline Lieder in New York in 1880. It contains verses which are similar to Carrickfergus, but the chorus is closer to another Irish/Scottish folk song called Peggy Gordon.

In modern times, "Carrickfergus" became known after actor Peter O'Toole related it to Dominic Behan, who put it in print and made a recording in the mid-1960s. The middle verse was allegedly written by Behan.

The song has been recorded by many well known performers including Paddy Reilly, Declan Affley, Joan Baez, Dominic Behan, Charlotte Church, De Dannan, Joe Dassin (as Mon village du bout du monde), The Dubliners, Bryan Ferry, Brian Kennedy, Declan Galbraith, Irish Stew of Sindidun, Lisa Kelly, Loreena McKennitt, Órla Fallon, Van Morrison, Bryn Terfel, Van Morrison and the Chieftains, and Ronan Keating. The song is a popular request at folk festivals and concerts, and was played at the 1999 funeral of John F. Kennedy, Jr. The song was more recently performed by Loudon Wainwright III over the closing credits of HBO's series, Boardwalk Empire.

Contents [hide]
1 Lyrics
1.1 Do bhí bean uasal
2 References
3 External links

[edit] LyricsI wish I was in Carrickfergus, only for nights in Ballygran
I would swim over the deepest ocean, the deepest ocean for my love to find
But the sea is wide and I cannot swim over and neither have I wings to fly
If I could find me a handsome boatman to ferry me over to my love and die
My childhood days bring back sad reflections of happy times I spent so long ago
My boyhood friends and my own relations have all passed on now like melting snow
But I'll spend my days in endless roaming soft is the grass my bed is free
Ah to be back in Carrickfergus on that long road down to the sea
And in Kilkenny it is reported there are marble stones as black as ink
With gold and silver I would support her, but I'll sing no more now till I get a drink
I'm drunk today and I'm seldom sober, a handsome rover from town to town
Ah, but I'm sick now, my days are numbered so come all ye young men and lay me down[3]

[edit] Do bhí bean uasalDo bhí bean uasal seal dá lua liom,
's chuir sí suas díom fóraíl ghéar;
Do ghabhas lastuas di sna bailte móra
Mar go dtug sí svae ['sway'] léi os comhair an tsaoil.
Ach dá bhfaighinnse a ceann siúd faoi áirsí an teampaill,
Do bheinn gan amhras ar m'ábhar féin;
Ach anois táim tinn lag 's gan fáil ar leigheas agam.
Is go mbeidh mo mhuintir ag gol im' dhéidh.
Do shiúlaíos Éire is an Mhumhain le chéile
Is cois Beann Éadair ag lorg mná,
Is ní fhaca éinne ar fhaid an méid sin
Do dhein mé phléasáil ach mo Mhalaí Bán.
Mná na hÉireann do chur le chéile
Is nach mór an t-aeraíocht dom san a rá;
'Sé dúirt gach éinne a chonaic mo spéirbhean.
Go dtug sí svae léi ó Chontae an Chláir.
Tá an ghrian ag imeacht is tá an teas ag tréigean
Is an tart ní féidir liom féin do chlaoi,
Mar go bhfuil an geall orm ó Shamhain go Féabhraí
Is ní bheidh sí reidh liom go dtí Lá Mhichíl;
Ach geallaim féin daoibh nach mar gheall ar an méid sin
A d'iontaíos féinig i gcoinne na dí,
Ach mar gheall ar mo chéad searc a dhein mé thréigean -
Chuaigh sí ag bailiú déirce dá clann iníon.
Agus táim tinn breoite is mo chos dheas leonta
Ó ghabh an ógbhean úd tharam isteach;
D'iarras póigín uair nó dhó uirthi,
For I'd long to roam with my own sweetheart.
For I'm tired of drinking and I'm seldom sober!
I'm a constant rover from town to town!
But now I'm dying and my days are over -
Come Malaí, a stóirín, and lay me down!)[4]
[edit] References1.^ a b George Petrie: Ancient Music of Ireland, M.H. Gill, Dublin 1855 (re-printed 2005, University of Leeds, ISBN 9781859183984)
2.^ 50 Great Irish Love Songs, pub Music Ireland 2008
3.^ Carrickfergus Lyrics.
4.^ Amhránleabhar Ógra Éireann, Folens, Dublin (8th edition, 1971)
[edit] External linksKylie Mory — Carrickfergus at site which has more than 20 other Carrickfergus recordings. This version uses the alternative lyrics.
Brian Kennedy — Carrickfergus (Excerpt)
Seán Ó Sé's rendition
Useful Discussion of history of the song at Mudcat Café
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Comment '1'
  • 에스떼반 2011.05.06 06:54 (*.122.97.77)
    이곡도 처음 듣고 반할만큼 마음에 들었던 노래이고 악보가 있었으면 하던 중이였었는데
    진태권님께서 보내주신 악보집에
    이 노래가 있더군요, 어찌나 반갑던지요, 좋은 노래 한곡이 또 생겼습니다. 다시금 감사를 표하고 싶습니다.
    이 곡도 진태권님의 마법의 손에 의해 아름다운 기타곡으로 다시 태어 날것을 기대해 보겠습니다.


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