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2016.01.21 12:53

맥스웰 방정식

(*.172.96.243) 조회 수 4385 댓글 0

Prof. Stanek: Extended Maxwell Field Theory
Maxwell's Equations: A central subset in relativistic quantum equation

The idea for the following relativistic equation is an impuls - energy - quantum formulation on the basis of
Einstein's energy law, Newton's impuls law and Faraday's induction law considering relativistic and arbitrary
movements of an electron -> object / body. In all derivations no conventional field terms D, E, B, H, J are
explicitely used but only the superior magnetic vector potential A and a special formulation of an extended
scalar potential PHIs. In the following relativistic equation for quantum electrodynamics
Maxwell's equations, Einstein's relativistic energy formula, Klein-Gordon's respectively relativistic
Schrödinger's equation, Proca equations, Newton's impuls mechanics etc
are embedded in one equation
" Re + i Im = 0 " as subsets.
compact formulation of interdisciplinary equations in relativistic quantum electrodynamics including Maxwell's equations, too

In the case of maxwell's field theory term 5) equals to zero yielding the light field wave gauge A = PHIs / c
( c is speed of light, for v << c & PHIs = PHI the Lienard-Wiechert's potential A = v
PHI / c^2 is derivable).
This real part gauge A = PHIs / c is also the condition for achieving the
-> relativistic Schrödinger's equation respectively -> Klein-Gordon's equation equals to term 4).
These equations are based on Einstein's special relativity theory and with
A = 0 und js = 0
directly from real part < Re > -> Einstein's relativistic energy ->
W = [(m0 c²)² + (c p)²],
where m0 is the mass in rest and p = m v the relativistic impuls of a mass moving with speed v.
This above shown formula re-formulated as a square root term ->
m = m0 / [ 1 - ( v / c )² ]

implies Einstein's equivalence of mass and energy W = m c² [ -> " E = m c² " ]
and is the basis of Lorentz' length contraction and Einstein's time dilatation.

As to imaginary part < Im >
of this above show equation
Lorentz' gauge (including Coulomb's gauge with PHIs = const) is directly seen,
if term 6) = 0. With these gauges we can simply derive all maxwell's equations
in conventional field terms using also Maxwell's transformation B = curl A
and the known constitutive relations. Prerequisite for all mentioned re-formulations is an
experienced handling
with operators in vector analysis i.e. PHI (A) (line based fields) and
quantum mechanics representated i.e. by impuls operator p and energy Hamilton operator H :

unified theory operators
vektorgradient im dyadenfeld,  quantenmechanischer impulsoperator + energieoperator
1. Real part Re of this equation shows the DUALITY of classic waves (left side)
and quantum particles (right side).
2. Using the light field gauge term 5) = 0 φ
= c A) and applying quantum flux (hbar / charge q)
to the imaginary part Im
the re-formulated term 6)
yields the total electric field strength    E' = -
A / t - gradφS                            (9a)
with all influences (i.e. arbitrary translation, rotation, distortion movements) in classic electrodynamics:
Total electric
field strength
E' = - A / t - grad j + ( v x curl A ) + [( A x curl v ) + further terms (II+III)]

By this simple re-formulation of the imaginary part Im we've automatically
changed the term 7) so that we also see the DUALITY of classic electric field strength E
and quantum flux based alternative formulation in quantum electrodynamics.
The 2. Maxwell equation = Faraday-Lorentz' law you get from (9) applying the operator "curl".
A good excercise for you: Where are the other Maxwell equations "hidden" in Re + i Im = 0 ?
Furthermore we have 6 possible gauges for electrodynamic field defined by
div A = ... (eq. Ib) as combination i.e. the simplest
gauges are Coulomb's gauge div A = constant and Lorentz' gauge div A = -[d
φ/dt] / c^2
The important 7th gauge (in literature often not mentioned) is the light field gauge term 5) = 0.
This light field gauge is a basis for classic electrodynamics.
But a further conclusion is, that PHOTONS (and GRAVITONS)
must have a rest mass m0 = 0, propagating with the velocity of light in vacuum.
4. From real part < Re > we see a surprising (but measured) phenomenon, that electrodynamics
can influence the mass of rigid bodies! The speed of rigid bodies v
is always less then speed of light c. From eq. (1a) we can conclude
that the gravitational masses of atoms in a material can be changed, especially reduced
or nullified
or even inverted under special electrodynamic field conditions !
5. Using no classic field terms, i.e. E, H, D, B or mixed terms like in Proca's equations
the equation Re + i Im = 0 in quantum electrodynamics shows a
general result:
magnetic vector potential A and scalar potential PHIs are superior,
classic field terms i.e. E, H, D, B are secondary because those are
simply to derive from primarily A and PHIs equations.
Term 6) = 0 in imaginary part < Im > in above shown equation Re + i Im = 0 implies not
only the Lorentz' gauge but also - choosing light field gauge term 5) = 0 -
the central basis for classical interdisciplinary physics.
Some examples for interdisciplinary evaluations of imaginary part < Im >
a) Directly from eq.(Ib) yields the special Lorentz gauge: div A = - { d
φS / dt/ } / c^2 ___(11a)___
or from eq.(Ib) unified equations i.e. using naturics UNIT checks: div J = - d
ρ / dt _______(11b)___
or directly from (1b) with J = vρ (with electric charge density RHO ρ in electrodynamics)

div ( v RHO ) = - d (RHO) / dt
. It's clear, that you can get eq. (11b) directly from Ampère-Maxwell's law applying operator "div":
div curl H = 0 = div J + div [ d D /dt ] with electric Gauss' law div D = RHO:
Because of J = (current) FLOW and RHO ρ= (electrical charge) DENSITY = charge q / m^3
(analogous quick derivation as for the basic equation in mechanics in the following lines)
eq. (11a) or (11b) can be written as an universal law:

div (FLOW DENSITY) = d (specific Charge Density) / dt(11)_ => CONTINUITY law
FLOW DENSITY is based on electrodynamics, thermodynamics or hydrodynamics etc., too ...
Specific DENSITY means the equivalent medium (charge, mass etc).
Eq. (11) can be re-formulated i.e. with respect to mechanics
div (ρm v ) = - d (ρm) / dt

. where RHOm = Mass Density in mechanics as formal equivalence with charge density in electrodynamics.
A separate quick development of new formulas can be related to naturics based UNIT checks, i.e.
directly from eq. (Ib) for electrodynamics leading to eq. (11c) governing mechanics:
RHO. A [As/m^3 Vs/m = Ws/m^3 s/m = Nm/m^3 s/m = kg/m^3 m/s] = ρm. v
ρ. PHIs / c^2 [As/m^3 V s^2/m^2 = Nm/m^3 s^2/m^2 =
kg m / s^2 m /m^3 s^2/m^2 = kg / m^3] = ρm
Eq. (11d) and (11e) in eq. (1b) yields eq. (11c)

. .
b) additionally applying light field gauge: d (q A) / dt = - grad (q PHIs)___(12a)
because of q A = Impuls and q PHIs = (potential) energy eq. (12a) can be written as an universal law:
d (IMPULS) / dt = - grad (ENERGY)
   (12)_ => FORCE law__

eq. (12) or directly (11c) can be re-formulated i.e. with respect to mechanics:
d (m v ) / dt = m dv / dt + v dm / dt = - grad ( Wpot )___(12b)__
where m = Mass, v = speed of body, Wpot = m
g h (i.e. and/or other force-"sources")
NOTE: Regarding (11b), (11c) and (12) we can formally switch between Newton's and Maxwell's relations
using Hamiltonian vector gradient formulation eq. (II), (III) shown above in unified equation Re + i Im = 0
... always thinking in analogies.

HINTS: Start from grad (A v) = (v Nabla) A + (A Nabla) v + v x curlA + A x curlv _____(12c) = ( ** )
or simplify with A = v as needed i.e. for NAVIER-STOKES equations in hydrodynamics you directly get :

d v / dt - v / t= (v Nabla) v = grad ( v^2 / 2 ) - v x curlv

. _________Using (12c), (12d) we can compare important features of Maxwell equations and Newton's law, too.
... it's a good excercise for you to test your capabilities in handling vector analytic operations!

NOTE: 1. Though the physicist Heinrich Hertz thought that Maxwell's equations are not
from Newton's equations, you can prove it ... at least in a formal analogy
... useful for multiphysics applications in engineering.
2. But never forget thinking in analogies: In real mechanics nothing is identical
with electric charge in electrodynamics.

c) Integrating eq. (12) yields the well known universal energy law in general form:
W total = W kinetic + W potential= constant
   (13)_ => ENERGY law
NOTE: Kinetic energy derived from relativistic Energy with Taylor approximation:
W (kinetic) = W (total) - W (restmass) = m c^2 - m0 c^2 = 0.5 m0 v^2 + ... tiny terms (x)
(x) can be neglected in non-relativistic applications
Further details: discussion about maxwell's equations combined with quantum mechanics


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