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2004.11.27 12:10

스트라드 레이블

(*.54.38.232) 조회 수 10031 댓글 2

이렇게 생겼네요.  
한번 확인해보세요.
그래도 혹시 모르니 잘 보관하시는 것 잊지 마시고요.

(이탈리아의 크레모나 국립 현악기 제작학교의 글입니다. 참조만 하세요. 사진으로 보내면 1차판정은 해준다는 말 같은데.. 유료인지 무료인지도 모르겠네요. 윗줄에선 전문가의 감정료는 악기가격의 일정비율이다라고 되어있는데, 그 아래줄에서 크레모나제작학교에서 사진판정으로 1차판정은 해준다라고 되어있는데 좀 애매하네요. 어쨌든, 크레모나는 300년전(아마티, 스트라드 등)이나 지금이나 최고의 장인들이 살고 있다는 점은 확실한 것 같습니다. 크레모나에서 3년마다 열리는 트리엔날레 제작콩쿨은 모든 바이올린 제작가들의 꿈이고요. 아쉽게도 동양권에선 한번도 3위 안에 드는 수상자가 없었는데, 저번에 중국인이 처음으로 3등 차지했어요. 예전엔 홈페이지가 살아있었는데 홈페이지가 이전하면서 내용이 다 날아가고 초기화면과 이메일만 남아있네요.
크레모나는 제게도 꿈이랍니다. 제 나이가 조금만 더 어렸어도, 저기에 가있을텐데.. 이제는 이룰 수 없는 꿈이 돼버렸네요. ㅠ.ㅠ)

A label of Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis?
Have you found a violin with the label "Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis"? Keep cool. It's almost certainly a fake. In the past some restorers have stuck labels (genuine or forged) inside instruments of various origins and there has been a proper business in labels, apart from the selling of violins. There have also been cases of old-time violin makers who would put the names of other contemporary makers on their own violins.
Nowadays, no violin expert would judge the value of a violin by its label.
Labels such as "Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno 17", followed or not by circles with crosses, initials or other particular signs are made (in series) to be completed before being stuck on the instrument: actually "... Anno 17" shows only the first two numerals of any year of the 18th century. A complete label should read "... Anno 1715" or "... Anno 1707", or at least an year of the 18th century.
There are also cases where you can't even seriously talk of fakes. A label like the following: "Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis / Faciebat Anno 1721 / Made in Bohemia" is a joke rather a fake, considering that Stradivari never learned English.

However, if you wish to learn more about the quality of the instrument you should take it to a violin maker, who will let you know if it is a good quality instrument. He may not be able to give you details of the period or school, but will be able to tell you if it was made by a good craftsman or on an assembly line. The addresses of violin makers, under the headings of States, can be found in the Reports of magazines for enthusiasts such as "Strad" or "String".
If, after the first check, the violin maker recognizes a particular quality in the instrument, it may be worth while asking for a specialist's appraisal (Expertise) on the part of an expert and connoisseur (usually a restorer or well-known maker) who will issue a certificate of attribution and an estimate of the instrument's value.
The cost of the expert's survey is, as a rule, quite modest if it concerns merely a verbal evaluation. There is, instead, a fixed price and a percentage of the instrument's value when a certificate evaluation is wanted.
If you so wish, you can have a first opinion from the expert violin makers of the Cremona School of Violin Making (Scuola di Liuteria) sending photographs or colour slides taken in the most professional manner, with shots of the whole instrument and of its details. The evaluation may not be infallible (to value an instrument is not the same thing as valuing its photo), but it is possible to get a general indication. It's the best that can be done without having the instrument to hand.

* 수님에 의해서 게시물 복사되었습니다 (2010-05-27 11:13)
Comment '2'
  • 2004.11.27 12:51 (*.168.105.40)
    가짜 맞네욤~~^^ 뒷자리가 흐려요..근데 띁겨나간 자국이 있네욤..^^ 토토님 감사드려욤~~^^
    뜯긴자국이 가짜란걸 더 증명 하는듯..^^
  • ... 2010.09.05 22:54 (*.134.207.82)
    라벨가지고 악기를 논하는 것은 무의미..... 라벨로는 세상에 한 몇백만대는 스트라디바리일듯..

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